instant replay?
Yeah that whats happens when I step away for a minute to chase down something. I just rembered I forgot to grab some gears for a guy. When I came back it looked like I had not made the post. I did then realized it was a double.
instant replay?
Haven't seen a single picture yet?
I'll post it, after you look at it.
It warn't me.
That is why when I drove by your house today I did not stop. I should have stopped while you will still at work and made a run around the lake. Wait that would have been the wrong way
Oh heck no,
I know is was not you. I know exactly who it was.
Hello Randy,
I sincerely appreciate that PM. I been away for about 20 minutes as I have been talking with the owner. He was a whale of a nice guy. I am not getting the saw though and I am fighting mad. I was beat out by somone else
You're not having the best of days.
Warn't me neither.
.... they have not posted in this thread yet.
I'll contribute. Here's an old pic of my XL-123.
Hoss: You gonna try to make it to the GTG Saturday?