Homelite Chainsaws

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To assuage the pain of missing that 750 a while back, I let this little feller follow me home tonight.




It didn't really help. Maybe I should've gotten 3 of them? :hmm3grin2orange:

Do your hands even fit inside the handle?:msp_tongue: Not exactly Wendell sized, but nice snag.
Sweet score Steve. That's the best 40cc class saw, period. Get a K10-HDC kit and some 3/32x3/16 or 3/32x13/64 line.
And you SHOULD have gotten all three if you had the chance. Be sure to pull the muffler cover and check the P/C before you go to far with it. A Super E-Z with a scored P/C can still 'feel' like it has great compression because of the bottle cap sized starter pulley they have. BTDT....:bang:
Hey guys, Just picked up a Homelite XL and a Super 2. The super 2 runs good, but the XL only runs with carb cleaner and had no gas cap. I tore the XL apart and the lines are shot. A managed to salvage a gas cap off a scrap 330 and it fits good. Also the piston and ring looks good too. I was surprised on how easy it came apart. 4 screws on the recoil, 4 on the body, 2 on the handle bar, take out the plug, take off the linkage, and its apart. So what do you guys think of these models? I can see that they are almost identical (except for the Super 2 has a longer grip) Are they built well? How do they hold up?
Can anybody tell me anything about the 5-20-LA besides what is on Acres site? I have a chance to pick one up but it looks pretty rough and not sure if it is worth the effort.

I seem to have become a 1950's Homelite magnet. :msp_rolleyes:
Hey guys, Just picked up a Homelite XL and a Super 2. The super 2 runs good, but the XL only runs with carb cleaner and had no gas cap. I tore the XL apart and the lines are shot. A managed to salvage a gas cap off a scrap 330 and it fits good. Also the piston and ring looks good too. I was surprised on how easy it came apart. 4 screws on the recoil, 4 on the body, 2 on the handle bar, take out the plug, take off the linkage, and its apart. So what do you guys think of these models? I can see that they are almost identical (except for the Super 2 has a longer grip) Are they built well? How do they hold up?

Those chainsaws aren't very new so their very existence tells you they've held up well. Seems like I always have one around here and that's true now. I put one together from parts but I couldn't tell you what kind it is but it says XL on the starter. This is kinda crazy but I bought an XL which someone butchered up the case but I thought the engine(points model) ran so I took a good case and put that engine in it, got it all together but it wouldn't run. Rather than take a bunch of time troubleshooting the problem I put in another engine I had laying around but didn't have ignition so I got a module from spare parts and put the module on the engine and slapped it in the case. This time it fired off and it ran good ever since. Plus the second engine has the H and L screws on the carb, something I consider a plus. Electronic ignition may be a plus also.
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These two bad boys are looking for home's. There bolth seized and what you see is what you get. Looking for 064 parts or short money, will ship and can seperate parts off them if you like.



There bolth Homelite 360's and bolth are missing the carbs and again they do not pull over. I think the one with the bar is a 20" and the chain is in good shape.

Those chainsaws aren't very new so their very existence tells you they've held up well. Seems like I always have one around here and that's true now. I put one together from parts but I couldn't tell you what kind it is but it says XL on the starter. This is kinda crazy but I bought an XL which someone butchered up the case but I thought the engine(points model) ran so I took a good case and put that engine in it, got it all together but it wouldn't run. Rather than take a bunch of time troubleshooting the problem I put in another engine I had laying around but didn't have ignition so I got a module from spare parts and put the module on the engine and slapped it in the case. This time it fired off and it ran good ever since. Plus the second engine has the H and L screws on the carb, something I consider a plus. Electronic ignition may be a plus also.

Those are a little bit older than mine. I know the older Super 2s and Xls are made out of metal. but the two I bought yesterday are plastic. I just fixed a metal Super 2 today. A lot nicer than the plastic ones. The only difference I see is the metal ones have internal threads for the gas and oil caps and the metal one had two triggers.