Full of Scrap
It's at a pawn shop. Guy is asking $150 for it.
No way! That is like a crazy Epay price that I would make fun of in the Craigslist Epay thread.
It's at a pawn shop. Guy is asking $150 for it.
It's at a pawn shop. Guy is asking $150 for it.
Does it run?
It's at a pawn shop. Guy is asking $150 for it.
I may not have been in the game long but where I am in Canada these dont seem to be as common as you all make them out to be. Might be why the price is high. looks like he is fishing for some yuppie to buy it because it looks cool. The guy selling it also has attached some sentimental value to it which has inflated the price. Don't think offering him 15$ for it is going to fly.
Situation seems common around here, was at another pawn shop in town and the guy was asking $120 for a old JRed 520 that was beat to hell. I just walked out shaking my head. Can't explain fair market value to some people.
Best thing to do is walk away, you would be happier with a larger cc model anyway.
This is for sale locally. Being recently bitten by CAD I am not yet aware of what current value might be. It turns over and has compression. Apparently it run before it was put away 10 years ago. Any info or opinions about value would be helpful.
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Non running saws especially ones below 6 cube or at least 5.8 cube are usually scrapped and I pay .20 cents a pound....
I drug 4 more saws in today, all Homies, 2 Super EZs, 1 Super 2, and an XL12. A couple of them look like they might clean up, the Super 2 has a broken handle, and one of the Super EZs I assume doesn't have a coil since it didn't have a plug wire. I'll tear into them after I get them cleaned up a little.
I been pulling the recoil covers and soaking them with foaming engine degreaser from the auto parts store. A blast from the garden hose hooked up to the hot side on the laundry tub faucet does a good job of removing the major part of the mess.
Wait for a warm sunny day.
That is plumb stupid.........................................................................................
I think $15 would be reasonable.
Plant it in the front yard with your house number on the bar.
yep. fully half of my saws spent time in the metal salvage bin. most ran with just a little tinkering.
I hear ya there. It seeks to amaze me how people don't even try to fix or replace something simple such as a gas line. A less than $5 gas line and new gas filter that requires a quick search on Youtube if anything to know how to install takes way much less time and money than to get a new or different saw. Oh well I guess we and the manufacturer get the longer end of the stick on that one. I bet those same people who tossed out that saw are wondering why we toss out our computers and electronics when they break instead of trying to fix them...
I've gotten saws before that didn't need anything but fuel. I guess the owner just got tired of them and wanted a new one.
As it turns out, the XL12 is one of those. I cleaned it up and checked it out, it looked okay so I put fuel in it and it started right up! All it needed was the chain sharpened and the carb adjusted slightly. I cut a couple of pieces of wood and it did great!