Meteor typically uses Caber rings in their kits. Get your measurements and check for Cabers.
Ok, Can you tell how to measure for rings. Do you take the measurements from the ring grove? Or the ring it's self?Meteor typically uses Caber rings in their kits. Get your measurements and check for Cabers.
Homelite experts, have a question. Looking at a 340, which I know is made by Solo. Had a 330 and am wondering if the 340 is any better? I know the 330 is a reed valve saw and isn't anti vibe whereas the 340 is antivibe and not a reed valve design, plus has a chainbrake. If the 340 is a better saw might it fit between the 330 and 360?
I don't have one but looking through the threads they seem finicky and are prone to ignition failure. Parts are apparently very expensive. One guy said Solo wanted $60 for a fuel line.