Sirpouralot said:I The new redesigned Bandit 1990's with remote control wench
Hey, I need a remote control wench......Just push a button and she....well, errr, use yer imagination.....
sorry sirpour, just had to take advantage of your spelling to have some fun.....I know you meant winch....I love mine on my wimpy by comparison 250XP...!
Must say, you guys sure do well $ wise, but you are certainly well set for equipment!!
All we have is a truck and chipper. Sub out crane work, stumping, and log trucking. So I'm happy with 1600-2000 a day for a 3 man crew...add on for crane etc. Currently in the middle of a big removal job, 4 lombardy poplar right on a busy street, max 130 footers.....6 man crew for the first two days, then crane the logs Friday....crane fees maybe $500, junk wood disposal $1200 or so, $600 to grind two stumps..... labor will be around $10k, subbing to other tree guys and payroll should be at about $3500. leaving me $6500 gross profit. not too shabby.