How 'bout a Slice of Humble Pie...

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i just turned 35, and i noticed the little things do get a little harder as compared to a few years ago.

i use liquid paper(wont admit it though), but if you wasnt ot save face, just start after the joiner strap/link in the chain where the cutter pattern admission of bad eyes....

Brag why don'cha!


ole joat
I've about eaten 1/2 that pie already. I turn 63 tomorrow and really don't feel that old other than the old eyes. I need reading glasses and they are a PITA. :dizzy:My father-in-law who was an MD always said " boy! it's hell getting old". He is right but we all need to do what we can to maintain our health. I am a member of a fitness club and work out 3 times a week. I also bike about 3,000 miles a year, with the longest ride being Cycle Oregon which is about 437 miles over a week. I also average about 440 cords per year.:clap: The best week of the year for me! Keep the "old" chin up and carry on.
As long as you can still read all the oil bottles you are doing just fine.

I got various lenses that I cheat with. Eventually I will need to use binoculars to read.
Uh..yeah. Same here, I gotta put a marker on the one I start at.... If It's in the vise, other than that I do a little extre fillin out in the woods. LOL!
I've about eaten 1/2 that pie already. I turn 63 tomorrow and really don't feel that old other than the old eyes. I need reading glasses and they are a PITA. :dizzy:My father-in-law who was an MD always said " boy! it's hell getting old". He is right but we all need to do what we can to maintain our health. I am a member of a fitness club and work out 3 times a week. I also bike about 3,000 miles a year, with the longest ride being Cycle Oregon which is about 437 miles over a week. I also average about 440 cords per year.:clap: The best week of the year for me! Keep the "old" chin up and carry on.

Talk about humble pie!! I'm half your age and would be happy to cut half that much wood. Good for you, there is no substitute for working out and staying active!!
I said it then in some of the posts last year and the year before about using magic markers sharpening chains... y'all are gonna get old some day and eat crow. Sooner or later, everyone succumbs to Presleyopia (that is the inability to see Elvis up close).

My advice: when you get into your 40s, get several pairs of reading glasses. They sell them in 3 packs at Costco. Keep them all over. In tgeh truck, in the shop, in the garage, next to the computer. I also have several pairs in different ranges. Some higher power ones are for reading, some are for intermediate distance stuff like working on chainsaw on the bench, and some are for internet reading and typing like I have on now. You get a different range of focus with different glasses.

Now Gary, its time for a margurita :cheers:
And us girly people do it too. :greenchainsaw: I like colors though, not just black. It doesn't work well in the rainy weather when the tailgate is the toolbench.

Are cutters too small to put barbies stickers onto?

As for rain, it is just not gonna stop this year. Wet, wet and more wet.
Welcome to the "club" youngin'.............

I believe I have a special sticker around here somewhere for the "Club"..........
My deepest sympathy Gary!

When I'm sharpening (and half the rest of the time in my shed) I use one of these. Because I hand sharpen I nee to be able to see any remaining glint on an edge to mark sure each cutter is really sharp.

Heres my script for glasses ..went to optrician last january still havn't got my glasses..having a hard time picking out glasses i like becouse i can't see
I don't mark where I start. I try to find where the chain is put together, and start there. There is normally two cutters together on the right or left side, or either a gap, and that is where I start. Works for me.
I don't mark where I start. I try to find where the chain is put together, and start there. There is normally two cutters together on the right or left side, or either a gap, and that is where I start. Works for me.

That doesnt work on all DL counts of chains. Some You cant tell where where they are joined unless a colored raker strap is inserted.