Thats a diesel piston *******.
From Google,
What causes rings to get stuck in piston?
Stuck piston rings are caused by carbon deposits in the ring grooves. Hard carbon, a result of poor fuel combustion, virtually cements the rings into the grooves. In the past, the only way to free up stuck piston rings so they seal properly again, was to overhaul the engine.Apr 19, 2021
This is from Valvoline on google.
What happens if the mixing ratios in a 2 stroke engine are incorrect?
If you put too much oil, it can generate additional carbon build-up, making it difficult to start the engine, blow excessive smoke which is particularly bad for the environment and may (with time) cause the engine to stop operating correctly. But, if you add too little oil, it will (with time) not lubricate the moving internal engine parts or offer the needed engine protection, which will cause wear, friction and overheat, and may damage the engine permanently.
Now you 2 GENIUSES can carry on!
And it's "HEAR" not "HERE"
Try less googling and more doing before you comment on things you know nothing about