How mad would this make you?

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I agree, it was my fault.

Another rant. At the beginning of the day yesterday, I clearly explained to him that I am renting the chipper, i.e. I am paying MONEY for this chipper. I get 8 hours of run time and have to pay for any damages. So, what we're going to do here BOYS and girl, is accumulate a big pile of brush, run it through, then shut it the frig down while we get the next pile ready to stop the hour meter. In fact we'll do better, we'll move the chipper to the next pile. I mean is this THAT hard to comprehend? Apparently so. I had to re-explain this no less than 10 times during the course of today and yesterday. Why do you keep shutting it down, we'll just drag stuff 150 feet over to it, don't worry about it, you worry too much. Um, do you hear that noise? That's the sound of a freewheeling chipper that's burning hours and diesel that by the way I have to pay for too. Christ.
I hear ya Plas, I really do. On non-rental chippers I do let them idle for a bit to warm up before cranking the revs up and shoving the wood to them. Will also let them idle to cool down before shutting them off, but I HATE the sound of a screaming chipper that is waiting on wood.
Hard lesson to learn, but part of the business.

It's difficult to do, but pay him for the time he worked and move on, you'll come out the better man.

If you want revenge, it's a dish best served cold. His day will come. He may need help moving one day, truck rented and all his friends will be there as promised...... NOT!
I agree, it was my fault.

Another rant. At the beginning of the day yesterday, I clearly explained to him that I am renting the chipper, i.e. I am paying MONEY for this chipper. I get 8 hours of run time and have to pay for any damages. So, what we're going to do here BOYS and girl, is accumulate a big pile of brush, run it through, then shut it the frig down while we get the next pile ready to stop the hour meter. In fact we'll do better, we'll move the chipper to the next pile. I mean is this THAT hard to comprehend? Apparently so. I had to re-explain this no less than 10 times during the course of today and yesterday. Why do you keep shutting it down, we'll just drag stuff 150 feet over to it, don't worry about it, you worry too much. Um, do you hear that noise? That's the sound of a freewheeling chipper that's burning hours and diesel that by the way I have to pay for too. Christ.

I am not laughing at you Plas, I am laughing with you. cept I am not really laughing.
Be glad you have the 90 XP Dan, the 90's limitations made themselves known.

I think the rental place up here charges more than the one around you cause you pay for damages up front. That means if you break it or something its covered. Its an extra 10 percent of the total rental cost. Don't be renting nothing with you being liable.If they make you responsible for damages by making you actually pay for the damage done rather than paying an upfront damage fee then you are really adding more stress to the job. I would never rent and be liable. If they ask if you want the ins just say " YUP! I am gonna need that." Total Rental don't bother to ask, you just get it and that is good.
I like to walk in there when I return an item and scream " I just broke the #### outta your machine! See ya, bye!".
Once I rented this wierd brush cutter and snapped the trans in half when I smacked a rock ( dam thing should be able to take that I think), gear oil everywhere. I just proudly took it back and decreed it wasn't my my problem.
The I dropped the RG50 off the trailer cause the High/low speed button is right there by the controls and I didn't realize I hit it when I had it low to get it on.
Once I rolled a grinder off a high curb, completly upside down. It hydrolocked so I took it back and said it was a spark plug wire.

On one of the old 90's they rent up there the disc cover hinge has been replace with some kind of door hinge you would buy at the hardware store. It ain't even on there straight and they used a few different methods of attaching it.
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call a tree service next time tom trees:agree2:

ha ya for real. dragging brush on a lot clearing job? who does that? you should of rented the bobcat too. let me guess you threw the wood in a pickup(without a hitch) in 18" rounds? and just cut the underbrush/vines so they all come back with vigor next spring?

sounds like you are in over your head. now you gotta go back? how much land did you clear? how did you get this job?

lot clearing with a rented Bandit 90 with no truck or hitch to tow it. WTF
All I'm going to say is when he got back then he would have gone to the Dr. again to get my foot and ankle out of his rectum with no numbing stuff.:chainsaw:
call a tree service next time tom trees:agree2:

I about crapped when i saw what he was up to. I actually advised him a rented chipper might be better for what he had in mind to run through it. I was a little hesitant to help him on this one but he did grab the bull by the horns and that is something.
hey plas,
hire me, I'll show up and I don't go to doctors, so that wont be an issue....and since I'm used to doing jobs that seem never ending, I'd be perfect for the job!!
ha ya for real. dragging brush on a lot clearing job? who does that? you should of rented the bobcat too. let me guess you threw the wood in a pickup(without a hitch) in 18" rounds? and just cut the underbrush/vines so they all come back with vigor next spring?

sounds like you are in over your head. now you gotta go back? how much land did you clear? how did you get this job?

lot clearing with a rented Bandit 90 with no truck or hitch to tow it. WTF

Why even make a post like this.

In other news, everybody has to start somewhere. Businesses to not come out of the gate with $250,000 worth of equipment.
I hear ya there on the equpipment issues but there are basics you need to invest in. You don't have a truck of some sort with a hitch to the rear? That's a must. Bite the bullet and get one. The chipper can come later. Buy used equipment and after running it for along time, reinvest to an upgrade. Used equipment is out there and if you know what you're looking at and for, you'll get a nice piece of equipment. And do keep taking on the tough jobs, even if you do have to work that much harder to get them done. Reputation as a hard worker never has its downfalls.

As for the lame ass "friend", :censored: pay him what you owe him but NEVER call him again. Let him know of course that you are working and other people are working with you but NEVER let him earn a buck from you again, no matter how bad it gets for him. That is unless he decides to work for free up to $205 first to pay you back for the rental costs that he cost you. :greenchainsaw:
The job turned out really well in the end. What I started, I wad basically looking at little Vietnam behind this car wash. There was so much crap growing back there, all inter-tangled with a ridiculous amount of vines. Using the tools I had, which wasn't much, I cleaned the place up a thousandfold. I don't care if I didn't use a Cat D9 back there or didn't use a chipper till the end, what matters is that the customer is happy, it looks great, and its finished (finally). And the dude got a deal, believe me.
Why even make a post like this.

In other news, everybody has to start somewhere. Businesses to not come out of the gate with $250,000 worth of equipment.

sure it has to start somewhere, but know what you are doing before jumping in. preparation, the right equipment, and proper management skills are what it takes to do a lot clearing job. having one guy walk off your job isnt the issue. this issue starts with the operation, id of walked away laughing too.
you are right.

The job turned out really well in the end. What I started, I wad basically looking at little Vietnam behind this car wash. There was so much crap growing back there, all inter-tangled with a ridiculous amount of vines. Using the tools I had, which wasn't much, I cleaned the place up a thousandfold. I don't care if I didn't use a Cat D9 back there or didn't use a chipper till the end, what matters is that the customer is happy, it looks great, and its finished (finally). And the dude got a deal, believe me.

you have to start somewhere.i started with a 55 Rancher and a mid eighties Toyota pickup.i still have both.i know a few guys around here that have borrowed a ton of money and bought everything they could get their hands on.many are now out of nut had an $18,000 monthly payment before he had any work lined up.he's gone.

keep it,borrow and barter if you have to.
you have to start somewhere.i started with a 55 Rancher and a mid eighties Toyota pickup.i still have both.i know a few guys around here that have borrowed a ton of money and bought everything they could get their hands on.many are now out of nut had an $18,000 monthly payment before he had any work lined up.he's gone.

keep it,borrow and barter if you have to.

Right on man. Ever see the guy on Discovery who logs with mules? He's either a genius or an idiot and I guarantee he's no idiot. He's making money with almost no overhead.
he's no idiot!

Right on man. Ever see the guy on Discovery who logs with mules? He's either a genius or an idiot and I guarantee he's no idiot. He's making money with almost no overhead.

i would gladly trade 1,000 Obama loving liberals for 1 mule.i know the mule would be more productive.
i would gladly trade 1,000 Obama loving liberals for 1 mule.i know the mule would be more productive.

Glad to see our political view are identical Fisher.

Just this past weekend this old hippie 'Bama loving misguided snot-faced bleeding heart mother 'heffer was up in arms about me logging out the property behind his house. I mean he was seriously upset. Well sir, I said, I have the land owner's cell on my phone. I'll let you use it to call him and ask if you want to purchase the land and along with it the trees.

Right on man. Ever see the guy on Discovery who logs with mules? He's either a genius or an idiot and I guarantee he's no idiot. He's making money with almost no overhead.

I know a couple of horse's bloody hard work and it requires skills not common these days...but to select cut a stand and not tear the ground better way that I know of...

I prefer oxen though...lower overhead overall, feed bill is a bit higher, but the tack is cheaper...'specially if you know how to make an oxbow...

Don't sweat the naysayers. plas...they aren't likely to write your payment check this month...

concur with the used equipment post tho' there is alot of decent machinery out there if you know what to look for..

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