Always. Buddy from school was cutting a cookie off a round to long for his stove, took 3 seconds and he don't see out of that glass eye very well. As Slowp posted, Bugz, and they don't fog up!
I have worn steel toes and saftey glasses in most jobs I've had. I also almost always wear ear protection.If most of the things we do become habits, may as well make them good habits from the get go.
I swear my eyes are magnets when it comes to running a chainsaw.. I have crawled to the truck several times to look in the mirror to remove chunks of sawdust out of my eyes.. Back in the 80's I cut pulp wood and of course no one on the crew had any sort of eye protection .. (Or chaps ) I would wear my sunglasses to help keep the mess out of my eyes.. I just dont see how so many saw men can run a saw all day with no glasses or face shield .. Sometimes I wear both if the wind is bad.. Just this evening I had a knot about 3 inches in dia I had to trim.. I figured for the 5-6 seconds it was gonna take I could get by with out my glasses on.. Oh heck no.. Not half way through the cut a shaving 3/8 long went square into my left eye.. Off to the truck mirror I went...
Yeah... that's me also... and I've got the scars to prove it.I hardly ever wear any ppe. Ok never..