How many of you wear eye protection ?

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Although only a flesh wound, I took a tree in the face. Lol it was nothing that couldn't be buffed out. That was back in 2010. All the people that don't dig me can like this post. Lol.image.jpg
I have one of those helmet, ear muffs, mesh screen helmets. At first I found it a pain but now I am uncomfortable without it.
Valley, fingers nails disappeared after a midlife crisis, been a nail biter ever since.

Actually I always had longer fingernails, couple of freak accidents in a row and I ripped several nails off. Healing was tough and I started biting the sharp edges off. Bamb and I was biting all my nails off, getting used to it now. I will go several weeks and not bite a nails and then all of a sudden I will chew them all off.. Good news is I haven't lost a nail since.
always!!! my high school teachers preached and preached until it was so far ingrained into me I can't do anything without em now. also, I dont so much as swing a hammer one time without ear plugs.
Wear eyes and ears when doing most anything. At a minimum sunglasses and ear plugs. Those are simply too valuable of senses to not protect them. I see other dudes weed eating without glasses all the time. No earthly idea why they would do so. Pretty much the same with a saw, or anything else that spins, cuts or grinds. Sure, I spend a second here and there cleaning off the glasses of sweat, dirt or whatever. Still lots better then trying to extract crap from an eye.
I use the Husky helmet so I always have a screen over my face and usually sunglasses on too. I keep a pair of safety glasses by the grinder for when I use that.

Working under a rusty car is the worst, those pieces/flakes always find your eyes

Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner. I just put a new muffler under the truck and got something in it. It has been about 10-12 days and it is finally out of my eye. It didn't help the gravel roads were slop the past 2-3 weeks.

I did pick up a Husky helmet with face shield and used it a few times. It is ok. I can say I am better with ear protection than eye. Been to the doc a few times over the years, usually involving an angle grinder and metal.
I have glasses and cant really see much without them...other than that I always wear my eyelids...never take em off:pingpong:

seriously depends where I work I usually try to remember to wear the required stuff, but at home I only wear a face shield if I'm cutting with the grinder or using the 9 inch for heavy grinding (lots of sparks)
cutting with the plasma or torch, or welding I obviously wear face shield/helmet cant see much with out em!
as for with the saw...if its real windy out I usually throw the helmet/screen on, as the chips will blow behind my glasses while cutting, other than that usually just my regular glasses, and ear muffs (cant stand ear plugs)
yes but not 100% always i often go to task and then pause thinking this one may be whippy or likely to harm so i grab my clear yellow lens that are always ready on the dash if i get eye wacked it will be my own fault
I have two pair of prescription "sports goggle" type safety glasses... they wrap around, one pair with the foam seal all the way around, other pair (favorite) doesn't have the seal but has a sort of ledge that really helps keep anything from getting around them. They're no-line bifocal lenses, polycarbonate. I ain't a young feller, but my prescription is mild... I can see well enough without them, but I get headaches after awhile, so I wear my glasses almost all the time. I always wear one of these two pair whenever I'm working with wood. It took me awhile to force myself to do this, but I no longer have red, itchy, burning eyes after being around sawdust all day. I've recently begun forcing myself to wear all the PPE, now, when I'm running a chainsaw. I've just seen way too much of the consequences of not doing it to risk not doing it.

I know so many people of the PPE is for ******* mentality... one is damn near deaf and has so many injuries from falling out of trees and getting his body parts caught up in a saw chain it's just downright sad. Lately, he's been complaining that his eyesight is going to hell and he looks like he's drunk after cutting wood, his eyes are so red and swollen. He's too macho (stupid) to wear glasses, even though his eyesight is terrible.

If you're worried that your friends won't think you're cool if you use PPE... you need to find you a nice desk job, and a good therapist to help you with those self-image issues.
Some folks never learn, or have to learn the hard way
ahhh the wonders of cheap, or out of date wheels...
all wheels can do that if not used properly but cheap (think harbor freight) wheels are highly prone to failure, also if the wheels are old they can fly apart ...a place I use to work sells Norton and Pferd wheels (top of the line) and they all have "use by" dates on them as they will deteriorate over time causing them to fly apart...we would have to keep track of dates on the wheels (mostly just ones that we didn't sell much of) and throw out any that were out of date...shelf life is nowhere near short but they do have a shelf life!
If you're worried that your friends won't think you're cool if you use PPE... you need to find you a nice desk job, and a good therapist to help you with those self-image issues.
We actually had a desk worker turn in an accident from a paper cut. Sometimes you just need to suck it up. I pulled the cutting disc in the face off facebook, I dont actually know that guy. I did have a man that worked for me cut his fingers off using a grinder and cutoff wheel. The guy worked for me for two days before I fired him. He was just to dangerous to work around. He cut his fingers off on his next job just a couple of weeks after I let him go. Lesson are sometime hard learned. I was trying to cut a large piece of pipe just last week. Wouldnt fit in my big bandsaw, Portaband wasnt big enough, picked up the big disc grinder and started to make the cut and remembered my former workers accident. I put down the grinder and dragged out the plasma which is what I should have went for in the first place.
Wasnt aware there was an expiration date on grinding wheels, good to know. I dont really have a problem with out of date wheels, I just buy them when I need them and usually wear them out the same day. I do know that if a grinding wheel gets wet, its best to just throw it away instead of hoping it will dry out.
Wasnt aware there was an expiration date on grinding wheels, good to know. I dont really have a problem with out of date wheels, I just buy them when I need them and usually wear them out the same day. I do know that if a grinding wheel gets wet, its best to just throw it away instead of hoping it will dry out.
not really a problem with reinforced wheels, but mostly just for a "stone" wheel like on a bench grinder, or some manufactures make stone wheels for angle grinders, as they only rely on the glue/binders that hold the abrasives together.
ive never liked using stone wheels on hand held grinders, especially if someone else has used it, never know if they dropped it or something, which could cause it fly apart when im using it.
99% of what I use at work and home are Pferd wheels the rest are either Norton or 3M all fiberglass reinforced, never had any of them explode, even cutting wheels when pinched will just shred, not fly apart since the fiberglass holds it together
I have actually went to stone wheels on my big grinder. I like the cup stones for aggressive removal of metal. If you ever seen my torch work, you will know why. LOL. For a slicker finish, I like those flapper disc and my 4.5in grinder. I actually bought some flapper disc for the 7in dewalt, but havent tried them yet. I will say I bought a new cone shaped stone for the 7in grinder and it flew apart the first time I used it. I only bought the cone shaped stone because i was trying to grind radius, Needless to say, I havent bought another one. Nobody in my shop but me so I dont worry about some one else using my grinders.
I like the cup stones for aggressive removal of metal
hogging wheels, they are about the only stone I will use...
a lot of what I use are flap wheels Pferd calls em "Polifan", they have all different shapes and sizes, flat, beveled, rounded edge, square edge... the rounded edge (polifan curve) are awesome for blending/smoothing inside corners, as the paper wraps around the edge of the wheel to the top
I would guess probably 65% of what I use are flap wheels, both 4 1/2" and 7 inch...