To me, that scenario is probably one of the easiest, at least if your rescuer is another tree climber. Spur right up that thing in no time flat, use my pole belt or a sling to set a TIP, use my or your rope through it, clip your body to me with your pole belt, cut your line as needed with hand saw and away we go. I don't see that you make yourself any more rescueable by choking your life line off, and if anything you make retreat for yourself harder unless you are an SRT climber and already setup to descend SRT. Climbers don't have gear at hand generally to ascend or lower off SRT, and if they do it's generally not adjustable enough in terms of friction for a two person lower off.
One of the big beefs I have with most rescue techniques taught are that they are too gear intensive and complicated, and that most guys are not going to have that gear on site and ready to go or be familiar enough with using it to confidently effect a rescue without scratching their head when the pressure is on.