An add on thought for any who find it useful, 4x4’s post #33 may be a good example of one way our bodies become ‘allergic’ (more reactive) to a specific thing. In the book, Say Good-Bye to Illness (a book about clearing ‘allergies’) is a story that points to this.
A woman holding a glass of Orange Juice answers the door to see two state troopers there. They tell her her husband just died out on the interstate. She goes through all of the appropriate freak out drops the Orange Juice etc.. The next time she goes to drink OJ she breaks out in hives and if I remember correctly her throat started to swell. She was unable to drink OJ until she heard about this book and its explanation of the practice, Nambudripod’s Allergie Elimination Technique (NAET for short).
When I was a kid I was hospitalized once and frequently in the Doc.’s office with regard to various allergies. The Doc. said to my mom one time that I may grow out of it around 12 years old. I remember thinking, “That makes no sense, if I’m allergic to X how could I grow out of it ?” Conversely, how could you not be ‘allergic’ to OJ, or Poison Ivy, at one moment and the next moment be ‘allergic’? The above book explains that and more importantly it explains how to clear it.
I like results in life. And for things important to me I like to understand them too. I read this book because it was important enough to me to want to understand how it works. If you just want the results look up N.A.E.T. on the web, go to their home page and find someone who ‘does’ it and go get the treatments. I think I spent a total of several hundred dollars over some months getting cleared of reactivity to Poison Oak, Tree Pollen, Grasses, Bee Stings, and some other things.
If anyone needs any more info. or help, I would be happy to help.