I'm going to cut Xtreme a teeny tiny bit of slack. Serveral years ago I had a situation where I deliberately barberchaired a pine. A wet snow followed by high winds had busted and bent a bunch of pines and one of them was bent several feet off the ground with the top almost parrallel to the ground extending straight over a garage. I roped the top and ,rigging off of another tree, I slowly cranked the top around 90*until it was parrallel to the garage wall. the tremendous pressures I was building in the butt of this skinny 8-9inchDBH tree made me leery of trying anything else fancy-I reached in carefully with the bar tip and back cut it and let it blow up since there was nothing that the butt could reach. 'Twisting on the stump' Xtreme says-Okay, It has an application. Nothing I would recommend for a normal situation.:angel: