As a kid I thought a tilley (or coleman) lamp with a mantle gave off a good light. I recently refurbished one for my son and was so disappointed. Go on ask me why!!
To me the light given off was a nice warm light, to my son it was a lot of fiddling around to get a dim light.
The change to LED lighting has been quick, but its here to stay and makes lighting of only 15 years ago (let along 50 years) look like a candle in a sock. To me, I like the warm light and dont like the shadows LED seem to cast, but the batteries last so much longer, example.. my hunting lamp last approx 90 minute on full beam. My LED lamp working off same battery easily doubles that time in fact it has never gone flat while in use.
So what's it all go to do with petrol chain saws? Let's face it we are getting older and dont like change, I love engines and have so many tools to work on them with after a life time, i need a bigger workshop.
An electric saw all you need is a file and a simple tool to adjust the chain. Kids are growing up different and fast they wont hesitate to buy a battery saw. And to finish it off a friend of mine now in his mid 70's bought a battery stihl chainsaw and thinks it's great, he sai a battery last about the same as a tank full (i cant cement not used one) but my other friend a bit younger keeps going on mainly through jealousy "why did he buy a battery saw, paid all that money" then he says to me "i cant start my old 266 it's too hard to pull over" I just smile and say now you know why he got a battery saw

Sorry if this is a bit long, times are changing and we dont like change