Nice dissection of the eucalypt; interesting anomaly. You do good work, Eric, and ask good questions--when they are not affected by hasty judgments, and the urge to cast stones from outside your glass house.
You just cannot help yourself can you? Just have to throw in things like "hasty judgements, cast stones and glass houses" to push your hidden little agenda!
They are cankers by definition; necrotic (dead) areas. Even though the death does not yet go into the wood it appears to be killing bark tissue. Identifying the pathogen(s) would help a great deal; have you tried that?
Yes tapping the area and listening for hollow sounds can indicate decay inside. Sometimes but seldom they are bad defects, in my experience.
The ISA definitions are quite accurate. Unlike Wikipedia and other dodgy internet sandboxes, ISA's gets heavy review from professionals, without personal agendas

and hasty judgments and half-baked opinions going on line.
LOL, they're not like you then? I dont believe that.
ISA makes it free to the tree world, unfiltered and un-spun,
ISA also makes 30 years of research free to the tree world,
If you want to become a part of the primary vehicle for advancing the science and art of tree care, see here.
If not, "Take this (info), brother (and sister), may it serve you well". The Beatles said that 40 years ago--#9, #9. #9...-- about other mind-expanding stuff, but it's really true here.
If you want to :computer: chat on the internet, great--much can be learned here. But beware--some sandboxes are used as litterboxes too, so ya gotta bring yer pooperscooper!