So, value of the tree is $452 standing, assuming dimensions reported to us are correct.
As I said, the value of the wood is around $800.
The local mills won't take it because it's larger than their equipment will handle.
The wood yard foreman is 100% trusted longtime friend, so the "runaround" is not viable either.
It has #### to do with being a "yard tree".
It's neighbors were sold and processed last year with no problems or concerns.
I have no problem cutting it.
Won't be the first or the last. I just don't have any way of loading or hauling it.
I just hate to see it wasted when it's such good clear lumber.
My concern is that it would just be a rotting log for the next few years if nobody comes for it and we don't use it for firewood.
But that's not a problem either, since having it laying there wouldn't bother anyone in the least.
(way out in the country with nearest neighbor 1/4 mile away)
No way I'm paying some guy $500 to cut and leave laying what I can cut myself.
(and they would NOT get to haul it off if I have to pay them)
I'll just section and split it for wood heater before I waste that kind of money.
Thanks anyway.
I was referred here by some folks that live in NorthWest part of country where this is a tiny tree and a simple job.
Check out
This is Mississippi prices, and it appears that the OP is in Mississippi.
From the 2010 Q1 report,
"Despite a two-week period in mid-March when lumber prices fell, the following two-week period reversed trend. The composite price for Southern Yellow Pine for the week of April 1 was more than $340/mbf."
These are standing timber prices, by the way, according to earlier reports that I perused, not mill prices.
Using a 30" dbh, 3 16' logs, we get 840bf.
Plus we know 24" at 40'. So assume similar at 48', and also assume 3 logs (to get to 80') we get another 490.
Total = 1.330mbf.
1.33 x $340 = $452.
So, value of the tree is $452 standing, assuming dimensions reported to us are correct.
I see we jumped from bf to mbf also:monkey:
Oh, details, details!
But all of that is beside the point. The mill (the only mill in the area, apparently), has said they don't want it.
Value = zero.
It doesn't matter what OTHER people are getting in the state of Misery. If the mill or mills in his locale don't want it, it's firewood, and not very good firewood at that.
The site showed it to be 33 per ton that tree will make maybe two and a half ton if your lucky so the value as I see it is under a hundred bucks. Are you guys figuring finished product in your assessments
I see we jumped from bf to mbf also:monkey:
around here no one will even buy pine firewood, youd have to take it to the town brush dump:greenchainsaw:
Read down a little further. After it talks about value per ton (mulched wood scraps), it talks about board feet, and the value there, which happens to be $340 per mbf.
1330 board feet = 1.33mbf. m = 1,000. It's a British thing I think.
I seriously don't think you guys understand the difference between regular crap pine and southern yellow pine. SYP is a very hard, dense wood, highly sought after for hardwood flooring and furniture making.
Nobody in their right mind is going to use SYP for firewood unless driven to...
I agree, regular pine is just that - regular pine.
Oh, and 1.3mbf = 110.8 cubic feet, which is just a tad under a full cord, by my calculations. (One board foot is a 1" thick board 1' x 1', so just divide by 12 for cubic feet).
I seriously don't think you guys understand the difference between regular crap pine and southern yellow pine. SYP is a very hard, dense wood, highly sought after for hardwood flooring and furniture making.
All the mills I have ever dealt with paid by the mbf, by the way, not by the ton. The only time they pay by the ton is a pulp mill.
I give up. I have no affiliation with the OP and he's abandoned this thread, so there's no point in further discussion.
I think we're all in agreement that if he can't get anyone to give him any money for the tree, then the value is zero.
I'm unsubbing from this thread....
Yep. Yellow pine. Good stuff. Not regular pine. And if nobody wants to buy it, the value is still zero.