Mike Gott
ArboristSite Guru
Yea that's what I did, my squish was.030"-.035". You'll then have to turn the cylinder base and extensions down to set the squish. Shoot for .016"-.018".
Yea that's what I did, my squish was.030"-.035". You'll then have to turn the cylinder base and extensions down to set the squish. Shoot for .016"-.018".
Cedarshark.... totally serious question, hope you can handle it. Nuthin wrong w/ buying from weedeaterman, but I'm curious if you have seen the link in my sig? or in the descriptions for my vids?
I don't have ads running in my vids for a reason...its because HL Supply has offered a link to me so I can get commission and I wanted to give the chainsaw community my videos w/o having to watch all the stupid Google ads. If figured that if I made enough on commisions, I wouldn't need to worry about having the annoying Google ads. At this point, i'm tempted to put the ads back up because I'm actually losing quite a bit of money without them. Still, If you read the description in my vids, it asks if you are going to buy am parts please buy from HL.... with that link.. ...so...serious question... why did you buy from weedeaterman? Did you miss the link in my sig? better price from weedeaterman? etc etc?
I would recommend editing your link to show text rather than the URL. It'll be much more obvious. You can also set parameters like font size and color.
On the other hand, you have limited your exposure to only those that see you forum posts, rather than the world wide web using YouTube. Besides, it's very easy to click Skip on the ads after 5 seconds.
Matt I don't know about others, but I almost never read descriptions. I just search titles and watch the videos. Maybe a quick ad of your own in the beginning and end of video telling people where the link is...
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On the oem jugs there is a step in the plating where the side of the cylinder meets the top of the combustion chamber. Ideally these need to have squish band cut. same w/ the 346xp oem cylinders.
if you look at the comparison shot of the hyway 45mm cylinder, it is plated all the way up, smooth. this one i would not cut squishband on. but thats my personal view on that.
the more you lower a jug, the LESS likely of hanging a ring end... no?
Mattyo, for what its worth, I for one (and I am sure it applies to many more) sincerely appreciate your effort and time spent making these videos. I watched the 350 vid several times and it saved me time and grief with the tips,tricks and tutorial you provided on this particular series of saw. I hope you get the kinks worked out and I will try to be more supportive of your hard work in the future. Although I watched the vid on porting the 350, I am so uneducated that I am afraid to try. I think you are very capable, articulate and would be a great candidate for a ground up tutorial on basic porting. Thanks again and good luck with restructuring this talent to the point where it is self-supportive.
Taco... so...what you are saying is that up by the combustion chamber, the DIAMETER is larger???????? Never seen that, though I can see why that would be a problem is such a condition existed.
I can certainly work on such a vid. However, I am NOT the authority on porting. I'm a follower more than a leader. My objective is to learn what I can about saws, and end up with saws for myself that I can maintain and use...hopefully that have extra pop to themUltimately I don't mind sharing my journey with others. I am VERY new to this, only having first picked up a chainsaw in 2013, after hurricaine Sandy. So, I only know so much. Every step of the way when I start thinking that I'm starting to get the hang of it, a monkey wrench comes my way. This 350 comparison is so far the largest monkey wrench I have seen and its very frustrating.
I will try to keep doing the vids, but I'll be very honest... this chainsaw stuff has sucked an enormous part of my life, and has been nearly all consuming for years now. I have many other aspects of my interests to focus on, so this saw stuff may slow down a bit for me, especially since the youtube stuff has not panned out how I thought it would.
Thank you for watching my vids, glad you enjoyed them!