husqvarna wholesaler?

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New Member
Oct 19, 2005
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New Hampshire
I'm either going to get the Stihl MS250 or the Husky 345 in the very near future (this weekend).

I came accross this site and found some pretty aggressive pricing on Husky saws. Probably Jonsered as well but I did not target them.

I'm another on the fence near to be parent of a new chainsaw and not sure if I want a Husky or a Stihl. I've used Stihl and like them so I'm leaning in that direction. However, I have some die-hards that tell me to go get a Husky. I'll be both work though and now I'm deal hunting and came accross this site and another one with similar pricing.

Has anyone hear heard of this place before or done biz with them? I'm thinking buying a saw online might not be the best thing but the prices are amazing. A Husky 345 at Lowes or other local retailers is around $290-300. On this site it is $243 with a spare chain, oil, and free shipping.

Any thoughts?
Welcome to AS BrianF

why not go for the husky 350? it seems to be preferred as a non pro model, and is pretty good looking to me.
Welcome aboard BrianF...

I have no probelms with mail ordering my saws... And the 350 is a good saw, but then again for a tad bit more, how abuot the 346XP - it runs pretty darn good... appears to be the same folks, and I have bought saws from them before without any problems...

One of the things I like about the site is the comparison page, where they list power and weight comparisons between husky, Stihl, and Jonsered...
pbtree said:
.... One of the things I like about the site is the comparison page, where they list power and weight comparisons between husky, Stihl, and Jonsered...
It could have been, if they updated it a bit more often, and learned the difference between hp and bhp......
Lawn Masters said:
Welcome to AS BrianF

why not go for the husky 350? it seems to be preferred as a non pro model, and is pretty good looking to me.
Right on, as far as I am concerned!

Imo the Huskys are much nicer in this class of saws (anti-vibe, air filtration and imo ergonomics), and the 350 offers a bit more power and an adjustable oiler.

Avoid any Stihl or Husky in this class with letter suffixes after their model number. They have an assortment of add-ons that only serve to raise the weight and add to the complexity of the designs, for anyone that is not seriously disabled and/or weak.
I paid 269.00 for brand new rancher 55, i think this was last years model, and replaced it with the rancher 455. Purachsed on ebay with a $15.00 shipping charge. The retailer orginally wanted $25.00 for shipping but they only had to ship it across 1 state. You can get great deals on ebay, but the shipping can be steep.
I ordered a Husky 353 from Southwest a couple of months ago. Customer service was excellent (follow-up call), prices were great, and shipping was quick (3 or 4 days).
I like the 350. It's a nice little saw. Good balance between weight and HP at an attractive price. As pbtree mentioned the 346 is a great saw. It's a step above the 350 but costs about another $100. Stay away from the 455 (in my opinion). The extra 2 lbs is a poor trade for the .3 HP

I would look up these guys. I just purchased a Husqvarna 455 Rancher from them a little over a month ago. Great deal but also came with 3 chains. I also ordered the pro starter kit case which came with a bunch of goodies. I will tell you if I had to do it again I would have forgone the case and used that extra money to get me a bigger saw. Hind sight is alway 20/20 but the starter kit is nice for a newbie like me. Also the service was excellent!
The 455 Rancher is a nice saw though. I dont have any complaints. BUT then again I dont have much to compare to. 032 av older model and a Rancher 55. They are all about the same weight to power.

Thanks everyone. I may end up going with a Husky from these guys. Don't get me wrong, I think that Stihl makes a great saw and would buy both and compare if I needed them for heavy use. However, I'm just a homowner that needs to cut up fallen branches and the occasionally downed trees on my little 1.5 acre lot. I do have a pretty ugly pile of debris that the developer also tucked away int the woods when the lot was cleared (what a nice guy to give me a reason to buy a saw. ha ha).

My tiny little walmart McCullough just was not cutting it (no pun intended). :laugh:

Again thanks,

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