I don't believe that's going to work for you. The tails of the bars are VERY different and I don't believe the oil holes line up either.I bought a 36" cannon bar and its a shame it can only be used on one of my saws. The MS660 can benefit, I will of course need to change out the sprocket. But to use the bar I found these adapters on Definitive Daves ebay store and bought them. There is always a loop hole but I checked with him. These slip over the studs and the cannon will fit and should also line up with the oiler. So for 10$ and the rim set I can use the large mount bar and chains on my 660. Kinda sweet. Thought i would share that. Heres the store link http://www.ebay.com/itm/Stihl-Chainsaw-New-large-mount-to-standard-mount-adapters-3002-to-3003-pair/222119110394?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
and a photo belowView attachment 593073