Now we r on the same page. I would support definitive Dave because he had helped me. I actually already have built a couple of permutations of that stack because it was interesting. ..pretty familiar with Madsen's, actually a great place. I've also revived some saws they built...that ran great and lasted as well...they had an interesting built concept that while possibly not "perfect ", was repeatable and reliable. ...another story.

But let's be real, these are fun for us and neither of us and most who are following this need these saws. ..they are simply cool for a lot of reasons different for everyone. Bling saw is just yet another direction. As there are many. No one answer and part of the attraction is the fact these platforms can evolve in so many ways. Mine? Will be on the ragged edge of practical. And a practical one thrown in for comparisons. ..but they will be fun, somewhat usefull, and very repeatable. ...whitness this thread. And I will always both promote and appreciate folks like davhul when they add to the discussion. fact I will back's not about me. And I have nothing to prove or even want to be the "expert". Just want to share the hobby and give enough where folks can take their project their own value add is simply showing its possible and fun. I will never do a bolt by bolt build. Thats Not my audience. .