2cents worth
#1. BlueridgeMark is the man.
#2. I too have had a to of tickets, everything from speeding to no docs, parking, illegal uturns, no inspection, lights out, wrong way on one way, the list goes on and on. Hell, I even got a ticket for drinking while operating a canoe(and a bunch of other stuff I am ashamed to talk about). That is a funny story, but for another time. My point is, I have done very well, by keeping cool, being nice(and talkative) and going to court with a good attitude. I'd say I got 80% of my tickets downgraded or thrown out. That's not to say I got off, scott free, but I got off a lot easier. It is pretty common for the DA to down grade charges, if you are not an Ahole. The problem is, Aholes don't know they are Aholes. Anyway, most of this stuff is in my past... most... Now I have kids, and very little time to spend in court. I actually got a ticket a few months ago for a rolling stop on my own street, I saw the cruiser, but figured, I was barely moving, and he'd let me go since I was about one block from my house(stupid, I know). Well he didn't. I was gonna go to court to ask for a lesser, no point ticket, but I know I am the first person to shake my fist at people speeding or not stopping so, I paid up, took the points and now I stop completely, most of the time...
Anyway, I forget why I chimed in...
Gotta be a reason...
While I think about it, here is a funny story.
So I;m driving down the road(rt 70 in NJ) and I see a cop coming right by me. As he passes, we look right at each other. He turns around and pulls me over. He says, I pulled you over cause I saw you looking at me, and that is suspicious. He gives me a ticket for something stupid, I forget what, probably a light out or something of that nature. Anyway, we go to court. I tell the judge, that he said he pulled me over for looking at him. The judge questions him on this, he says " Your honor, I usually keep notes on my stops, but I don't have anything on this guy, I just remember he was nice and courteous". The judge throws out the ticket. I still had to pay court fees, and my evening was shot. Is that funny? Maybe...
Well, I still don't remember why I am here, but I will add, BlueridgeMark is the man.

Ps, I have o add this, My girlfriend through highschool, her dad was a NJ trooper, and we got off several times, speeding and such. Also, when I say Aholes don't know they are Aholes, that doesn't include me, I figured that out a long time ago, it's partly why I was always in trouble with the law. I guess I was a tolerable one, so they went easy. Lastly, to protect my rep, the stuff I am ashamed of is nothing too bad, I bet most of you guys have done worse. Right?