I got a citation hauling firewood!

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I got a ticket from a county sheriff a couple weeks ago for not tarping a load of firewood. I know that there is a law that says you can't have loose cargo uncovered,

Well, there it is. You knew about the law, you ignored it, you got a ticket. Where's the problem here?

but how is a piece of firewood gonna fly out?

I ride a Harley. I don't want to hit a chunk of firewood on the road. Tarp the load. Thanks.

Hitting a bump might do it, depends on the size of the firewood, I suppose. But what about dirt, chips, sawdust, and the like? Is that all CLEAN firewood? That guy riding the Harley behind you might not like your chips in his eyes, even if he doesn't hit a chunk of wood.

Hmmmm. Seems to me you mentioned riding a Harley in another post. I would think you'd understand about tarped vs. untarped loads.

Anyways to makea long story short, the sheriff was a real a$$ hole. He was gonna give me a misdemeanor for having unsafe cargo, a ticket for uncovered cargo, and another ticket for being overweight. I was hauling the load with a 2003 silverado, and was driving safely and slowly. Has anyone else gotten a ticket for not covering a load of firewood? My registration is for 5500 pounds and I probably was over that so he had a valid issue there.

If it's valid, quit griping about it. Suck it up. You earned it, now pay the piper. I'd bet a good amount that if you were to get into a discussion on, oh, say, teenage girls gettting knocked up jsut to get on welfare, you'd probably have some pretty strong words to say about people taking responsibility for their own actions. Right?

Your turn.

But a misdemeanor for unsafe cargo, COME ON?!?! Why is it that he couldn't do something useful with his badge instead of spending the day harassing a guy trying to make aliving, support his family, and do a good thing.

I dunno about anybody else, and I didn't see your load, but assuming it was overweight like you said, it probably WAS unsafe. To my way of thinking, taking dangerous vehicles off the road is very much what I want the local cops doing (among other things). Whether that danger is from an unsafe load or a drunk driver, I'm glad to see them getting taken off the streets.

That deputy (it probably wasn't really the sherriff) may have been a jerk about how he handled it, and that's wrong. And he may have been piling on charges just to be a jerk, and that's wrong.

But YOU are the one who loaded that trailer. Don't go blaming anyone else for your actions, or the consequences of them.

God Bless!

Since you brought Him into it, take a look at what He has to say about it:

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience.

Romans 13:1-5
I can't speak to your individual case but I can tell you from a few million miles of experience that I've dodged many a piece of firewood and seen too many overloaded pickups and utility trailers.
Just a personal observation,
Well, I have good news today everyone! I got the ticket reduced to a parking ticket! I asked for a plea bargain from the DA and he was an @ss and turned me down. Well, thankfully the judge has his head on straight and hasn't let his power overwhelm him as the Sheriff and DA have. I explained the situation and how I was unaware of the law and he offered me a plea bargain of a parking ticket and I graciously plead guilty. Since I got the ticket I have been covering my loads, but my tarps just shred as someone mentioned. I need a good alternative method because I haul probably a hundred loads a year with my pickup.
Well, there it is. You knew about the law, you ignored it, you got a ticket. Where's the problem here?

I wasn't considering firewood a loose cargo until now, that is posted out of context.

Hitting a bump might do it, depends on the size of the firewood, I suppose. But what about dirt, chips, sawdust, and the like? Is that all CLEAN firewood? That guy riding the Harley behind you might not like your chips in his eyes, even if he doesn't hit a chunk of wood.

He should be wearing a helmet and eye protection anyway.

Hmmmm. Seems to me you mentioned riding a Harley in another post. I would think you'd understand about tarped vs. untarped loads.

I was never arguing that firewood shouldn't be tarped now was I? I said that I didn't know it had to be tarped!

If it's valid, quit griping about it. Suck it up. You earned it, now pay the piper. I'd bet a good amount that if you were to get into a discussion on, oh, say, teenage girls gettting knocked up jsut to get on welfare, you'd probably have some pretty strong words to say about people taking responsibility for their own actions. Right?

Your turn.
It is valid and I never said that I wouldn't take responsibility for my actions, get over yourself!

I dunno about anybody else, and I didn't see your load, but assuming it was overweight like you said, it probably WAS unsafe. To my way of thinking, taking dangerous vehicles off the road is very much what I want the local cops doing (among other things). Whether that danger is from an unsafe load or a drunk driver, I'm glad to see them getting taken off the streets.

Get a grip man, If you think that a guy hauling a load of firewood deserves getting taken off the road you're out of your mind. I think you're over reacting here?

That deputy (it probably wasn't really the sherriff) may have been a jerk about how he handled it, and that's wrong. And he may have been piling on charges just to be a jerk, and that's wrong.

But YOU are the one who loaded that trailer. Don't go blaming anyone else for your actions, or the consequences of them.

It wasn't a trailer, it was a pickup, I didn't blame anyone else. I took responsibility for it, I said I was unaware of the law, and I bi t ched about the cop being an @ss hole. That is in no way passing the buck.

Since you brought Him into it, take a look at what He has to say about it:

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God's wrath but also for the sake of conscience.

Romans 13:1-5

I am well aware of the need to have respect for the governing authorities, thanx. You saw it necessary to be a smart guy about my post and look too deeply into every part of it. Believe me it didn't make you sound smart or cool. People like you are so hypocritical, because when something happens to you you get all worked up, but then when it happens to someone else you sit there picking apart their argument trying to make them look dumb. Pretty immature I think.
I have hauled lots of firewood in 3/4 tons, real 3/4 tons. Get a headache rack with rails, lots of spots to tie, saves your rear window, usefull for many things. I stack my wood securely, then I chain it down with 3/8 chain and a couple of load binders, cops like that stuff. They can see the wood is held down well.
I am well aware of the need to have respect for the governing authorities, thanx.

Show it.

You saw it necessary to be a smart guy about my post and look too deeply into every part of it.

You posted it. It's fair game.

Believe me it didn't make you sound smart or cool.

Good. It wasn't intended to.

People like you are so hypocritical, because when something happens to you you get all worked up,

And you would know this... how? The last time I got a ticket, I pled guilty, because I was. I got out of line. I didn't whine about the cop's bad attitude (he had one) or his bad driving (it was), or anything else that I could have. The bottom line was, if I had not been wrong, I would not have known about his bad attitude or driving, so the problem started with me. Like yours started with you.

but then when it happens to someone else you sit there picking apart their argument trying to make them look dumb. Pretty immature I think.

None of us likes being called on it when we're wrong. Some take it like a man, some throw hissy fits and blame everyone else.
Well, I have good news today everyone! I got the ticket reduced to a parking ticket! I asked for a plea bargain from the DA and he was an @ss and turned me down. Well, thankfully the judge has his head on straight and hasn't let his power overwhelm him as the Sheriff and DA have. I explained the situation and how I was unaware of the law and he offered me a plea bargain of a parking ticket and I graciously plead guilty. Since I got the ticket I have been covering my loads, but my tarps just shred as someone mentioned. I need a good alternative method because I haul probably a hundred loads a year with my pickup.
Can you set things up so you have a few bungy cords pulling down on the sides? It can help with the flapping that shreds the tarps. You can get a grommet kit from Lowes that will let you put them where you need them. I've used them and a heavy duty stapler to make custom tarps for a better fit.
Show it.

You posted it. It's fair game.

Good. It wasn't intended to.

And you would know this... how? The last time I got a ticket, I pled guilty, because I was. I got out of line. I didn't whine about the cop's bad attitude (he had one) or his bad driving (it was), or anything else that I could have. The bottom line was, if I had not been wrong, I would not have known about his bad attitude or driving, so the problem started with me. Like yours started with you.

None of us likes being called on it when we're wrong. Some take it like a man, some throw hissy fits and blame everyone else.

Thanx for the insight.
Can you set things up so you have a few bungy cords pulling down on the sides? It can help with the flapping that shreds the tarps. You can get a grommet kit from Lowes that will let you put them where you need them. I've used them and a heavy duty stapler to make custom tarps for a better fit.

Hey Tom, yeah I tried that but then the problem came from the sharp corners of the wood stabbing through. I think some heavy duty mesh tarp is the answer.
Since it seems that some have my original post for something other than what it was, I feel that I should clarify something. I was not trying to say that firewood shouldn't be covered or that I didn't do anything wrong. My point was simply that I did not know that it had to be covered, and that the jerk of a cop should have been doing something better with his time than harassing me. I think it is a very good idea to cover firewood, and I wasn't saying it was a stupid law or anything of the sort. Yes I too ride motorcycle, and I hate things in the road just as much as the next guy. Yes, I have had instances where I have seen wood fall out of the back of my truck and go flying down the road. "So", you say, "why didn't you cover the firewood then?" Simple- I didn't think I had to, which put me in the predicament of getting a ticket. I'm not thick headed enough to think that I'm above the law or anything else, but my original post was taken out of context, and turned into something it wasn't meant to be. Hopefully others can learn from my mistake and avoid getting caught up in a similar situation. It's so easy on the net to criticize and condemn all sorts of things that in everyday life would go unnoticed. Take the bashing in the tree video section for example. It happens on every forum I'm part if. I'm not complaining about it, I'm just stating how it is. It's the nature of the beast. Taker it for what its worth I guess.
Thanx for the link, that's what I need, only a smaller version. I'll see what TSC has in stock next time I'm out and about.

Ive done this in the past, and currently need to do it again. Its also ALLOT cheaper than having a custom tarp made.

Buy one bigger than you need, or two small ones and take it/them to an awning shop and have them cut and sew to the dimensions you need. It cost me the price of the tarp and $10 at the awning shop for the modification.
I think a few strips of that "construction fence" stuff would work, if you wanted to use something. Ain't never heard of nobody getting any tickets around here hauling anything anyway.

Well, my dad got a ticket once, but that's because a round bale fell off.:ices_rofl:

I double tie and chain big loads, but I haul firewood any ole way. BUT I'm never going more than a mile or so with firewood. Unless it's winter and I'm using it for ballast.

I've hit firewood and caused major damage to my sporty car--way back when.

But there ain't any Barney Fife's down here worried about how you're moving firewood or rocks or haybales...saw a bunch of squarebales in the road yesterday. Mennonite kids hauling too much on too little trucks. See that a lot. I've helped more than one person drag and kick the hay out of the roadway.

MOF I got stuck behind a tractor hauling 3 or 4 round bales leading a pickup pulling a fully unsecured load of 8-10 round bales last night. I did what I thought best...dropped back 6-8 car lengths and put on the four-ways and followed them boys on down the road--5 or 6 miles at 12-20mph.

I'm sure it's a big hairy deal in areas with population density--but that's the general problem isn't it? High Population Density.

Remember, Tennessee is where they did the "Dirty Jobs" logging with mules episode. Lots of THEM boys pulling trailers in these hills--and if they ain't loaded with pot or shine or meth, the law enforcement don't pay any attention.:jester:
This is not a matter of how nice he was or what may happen bla bla bla .
go and find out what the law is in your area and see if there is a way out.
going to court with a video or talking crap will go you nowhere .
I have fought and won 17 of my 24 tickets all because i knew the law and found a loophole.
also keep in mind that the cops uphold the law they do not know all of it and they somtimes make mistakes.

It takes less time to tiedown and/or tarp a load than it does to get pulled over and go through all the hassle. I mean, we're talking about a pickup here or a utility trailer, right? It's not like they're asking you to tarp a semi. If you're tough enough to cut and load firewood you're sure as hell tough enough to secure the load properly. Just do it.
bassman--what you said about cops making mistakes--not in iowa or minnesota--their perfect--will tell you so--and have a attitude to match!!!!!!!!!!! ask my wife of some of the encounters weve had---if she says they were a *******--they were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have hauled lots of firewood in 3/4 tons, real 3/4 tons. Get a headache rack with rails, lots of spots to tie, saves your rear window, usefull for many things. I stack my wood securely, then I chain it down with 3/8 chain and a couple of load binders, cops like that stuff. They can see the wood is held down well.

Take it one step farther-a few pieces of plywood, bolt some quick sides and a back to the ladder rack, and REALLY load it high.:D
is everyone as confused as i am?

Since it seems that some have my original post for something other than what it was, I feel that I should clarify something. I was not trying to say that firewood shouldn't be covered or that I didn't do anything wrong. My point was simply that I did not know that it had to be covered, and that the jerk of a cop should have been doing something better with his time than harassing me. I think it is a very good idea to cover firewood, and I wasn't saying it was a stupid law or anything of the sort. Yes I too ride motorcycle, and I hate things in the road just as much as the next guy. Yes, I have had instances where I have seen wood fall out of the back of my truck and go flying down the road. "So", you say, "why didn't you cover the firewood then?" Simple- I didn't think I had to, which put me in the predicament of getting a ticket. I'm not thick headed enough to think that I'm above the law or anything else, but my original post was taken out of context, and turned into something it wasn't meant to be. Hopefully others can learn from my mistake and avoid getting caught up in a similar situation. It's so easy on the net to criticize and condemn all sorts of things that in everyday life would go unnoticed. Take the bashing in the tree video section for example. It happens on every forum I'm part if. I'm not complaining about it, I'm just stating how it is. It's the nature of the beast. Taker it for what its worth I guess.

but your first post says otherwise:

you said:
I got a ticket from a county sheriff a couple weeks ago for not tarping a load of firewood. I know that there is a law that says you can't have loose cargo uncovered, but how is a piece of firewood gonna fly out? Anyways to makea long story short, the sheriff was a real a$$ hole. He was gonna give me a misdemeanor for having unsafe cargo, a ticket for uncovered cargo, and another ticket for being overweight. I was hauling the load with a 2003 silverado, and was driving safely and slowly. Has anyone else gotten a ticket for not covering a load of firewood? My registration is for 5500 pounds and I probably was over that so he had a valid issue there. But a misdemeanor for unsafe cargo, COME ON?!?! Why is it that he couldn't do something useful with his badge instead of spending the day harassing a guy trying to make aliving, support his family, and do a good thing. Sometimes it just doesn't seem right. I am by no means a cop basher, but this guy is a classic example of what law enforcement shouldn't be. Just felt like ranting I guess. God Bless!
This is not a matter of how nice he was or what may happen bla bla bla .
go and find out what the law is in your area and see if there is a way out.
going to court with a video or talking crap will go you nowhere .
I have fought and won 17 of my 24 tickets all because i knew the law and found a loophole.
also keep in mind that the cops uphold the law they do not know all of it and they somtimes make mistakes.

