worst firewood customer ever (long rant continued from months ago)

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Hi,Banshee67, the story about not delivering good wood happened to my son
a few weeks ago,only it wasn't 20 miles,it re like 110 round trip which i told him
is not going to happen again,but live and learn,but any how he delivered a load of wood to this customer,he looked at it and said it was alright,so my son put
it where he wanted it,half way home his calls my son on his cell phone and says
she doe's not like it,so since he is just starting selling firewood he tells her he will load up another load and exchange it for better wood.
So we load up another load drive all the way to her house and can't find the wood,look behind her and it is stacked neatly in shed 100ft. away down hill so i
tell my son if the wood was bad why did they stack it in the wood shed.
We come back to where he dropped the first load and look under a tarp and there is about 3 wheel barrows of wood so i tell my son to open the dump trailer doors and we dump the same amount as what was under the tarp.
W pick up the supposedly bad wood and leave no more calls since.
Also no more 110 mile round trips.
People will take advantage of you sometimes how old was the wood in question and why did she say she did not like it?
This morning it was snowing pretty good here, roads were ice, plows working just the higways. Phone rings. "You the guy with firewood..?"...Err,,yeah..." We just tossed the last in the stove this morning, how fast can you get here.?"....:dizzy::dizzy:
" We just tossed the last in the stove this morning, how fast can you get here.?"....:dizzy::dizzy:

:laugh:, gotta love it

time like that i think itd be fun to play with the people.. something like.. "how fast can i get there!? IM HERE, LOOK OUTSIDE, ive been waiting all morning for your call...wait, what was your name again?"
Just curious, im not in the firewood buisiness nor have i ever bought firewood but i was wondering if those that are can have some sort of contract written up to avoid all the customer hassles. You know something that they sign when you deliver that says how to properly store the wood and that it was in good condition when delivered, and anything that happens after the fact is not your problem! Just seems like it would be much simpler to deal with those unruly few that have problems. All you gotta do is say read the contract, you signed it, sorry!
Had one today, lady calls me Thanksgiveing day!!! as Im standing around the bird in the deep fryer, with a cold one in my hand B.S.ing with family, says they are running low and need some more wood (she is a repeat customer) tell her sorry Im out of town and cant do it till next week (today) she is ok with that, so I get off work this a.m. head home to hook up to the trailer which I loaded sunday, call and she says yes were home come on, soooo I get there and she says that they wanted it stacked in the same place as before, so I start unloading about 15-20 min. later she comes out saying "ohh ya I was wondering if you could just unload some of it here and then take the rest to my sons house?":angry2: I ask here were it is and she gives me the address I dont know the area to well so I ask her how long does it take to drive there, she says ohh about 15-20 min. I say yaa I will do it for a extra $35.00 to which she has a cow saying you said it would be x amount for the wood and delivery? I respond with yes delivered here!!! not all over town, you never said anything about delivering to two different places when we talked on the phone, now I can take what you want to your sons for the extra 35 or I can unload it ALL here and he can come pick it up, she paid the extra, the her son gave me 20 after I got done unloading at his house said I know mom paid you already but here is something extra sooo 1 cord this a.m. neted me $310.00:hmm3grin2orange:
Working in customer service, this quote from earlier in the thread sums it up: "Some people are so miserable they have to share their excess with everyone else"
C'mon guys, lay off the complaining that is your doing.

You bust your a$$ to make the stuff. Why not sell it under terms that give you what YOU want: clearly, in plain English, with NO ifs, ands, or butts ? Just do it.:blob2:

People never know what you know. Period. If you can't make it clear exactly what you have, how much you want for it, and how it will be delivered, then just don't do it. That's it. Nobody expects you to do more than make it clear.

Want it repeated ? Fine. Make it, make it clear, make the exchange. No whining. That is an order.

Cheese Louise, what the hell do you expect ? Does that famous proctologist expect you to know your deep dark secrets hidden below ?:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
Meh, I don't mind this thread. I view it as a public service to all who sell firewood. If you share the horror stories and dishonest customer tactics, other sellers may benefit from reading them and subsequently modifying their business model and policies.
Meh, I don't mind this thread. I view it as a public service to all who sell firewood. If you share the horror stories and dishonest customer tactics, other sellers may benefit from reading them and subsequently modifying their business model and policies.

Heh heh heh. Like those leases you saw back in college days or whenever. This won't resonate with the paperless texting generation, but for the rest of us... You go to rent a "student" apt. The landlord hands you the lease paper. It looks like a 25th generation photocopy of a bad fax. But...there at the bottom you see a couple lines typed (yes TYPED - with a manual ribbon fed typewriter) that say something that makes you go "Hmmmmm?"

You know something like:
Line 23: Goats, chicken, and other livestock are not considered allowable pets per line 4 of this lease.
Line 24: Unit doors are not to be used for winter sledding purposes.

Something like that telling you that somewhere along the line, there was an "incident..." And the wise landlord is trying to avoid repeats...
C'mon guys, lay off the complaining that is your doing.

You bust your a$$ to make the stuff. Why not sell it under terms that give you what YOU want: clearly, in plain English, with NO ifs, ands, or butts ? Just do it.:blob2:

People never know what you know. Period. If you can't make it clear exactly what you have, how much you want for it, and how it will be delivered, then just don't do it. That's it. Nobody expects you to do more than make it clear.

Want it repeated ? Fine. Make it, make it clear, make the exchange. No whining. That is an order.

Cheese Louise, what the hell do you expect ? Does that famous proctologist expect you to know your deep dark secrets hidden below ?:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

The newbies to firewood selling should hire you as a consultant to their marketing. " Nondestructive editor" . :D
The newbies to firewood selling should hire you as a consultant to their marketing. " Nondestructive editor" . :D

Whaaaaaaaat ? "Nondestructive editor" : WTF is that Chuckie ?

Most of you ranting onward to never-neverland here are supposed to be pro producers and experienced. Forget the so-called "newbies". You boys sound like you have no control over those oh-so-stupid-cheating-evil customers.:dizzy::deadhorse:

Firewood is a commodity. It's labor intensive. You want to make a buck. Do it.
What is so GD difficult ? It would be another thing if your stooopid customers spoke Swahili. Here's another: you do speak English. Make your pitch for the product, and explanations. Then make the exchange. :agree2:

That complaint about the 110 mile trip to deliver----why ?

Now, let's discuss your proctological problems.......................:monkey:
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Whaaaaaaaat ? "Nondestructive editor" : WTF is that Chuckie ?

Most of you ranting onward to never-neverland here are supposed to be pro producers and experienced. Forget the so-called "newbies". You boys sound like you have no control over those oh-so-stupid-cheating-evil customers.:dizzy::deadhorse:

Firewood is a commodity. It's labor intensive. You want to make a buck. Do it.
What is so GD difficult ? It would be another thing if your stooopid customers spoke Swahili. Here's another: you do speak English. Make your pitch for the product, and explanations. Then make the exchange. :agree2:

That complaint about the 110 mile trip to deliver----why ?

Now, let's discuss your proctological problems.......................:monkey:

you seem to be doing more whining/complaining than anyone in this thread, at least our whining had some meanin, lol! you are whining about people whining!! whats wrong with venting our frustrations over the internet? should we expect to be picked apart by someone who hardly makes any sense everytime we wana share our story of a bad day with the forum?

there are thousands of threads here.. lots of them include venting/whining like i did here.. if you dont like this one, there are plenty others to go criticize people in.
thanks for stopping by... again
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Oh, we get the whining police every so often. Some have a reputation for it. ;)

Quit whining about whining. Have another beer or cup of coffee and enjoy the friendly discussion... lest you earn troll status. :eek:
Ive sold a few "extra" cords this year and had a funny one the other day. Lady calls and says "I need some wood delivered ASAP". I say "Great, I have some. Where do you want it delivered"? She gives me the address and seeing as I was already most of the way back from delivering another load I respond with "give me an hour maybe hour and a half" She says "Whoa, I didn't mean today" I say "Ok, your definition of ASAP varies from mine. So when do you want it?" She replies with "How about tomorrow?" Me: "Great see you first thing in the AM. Is 8:30 Ok? AndI'll call you before I hit the road to make sure someone is on site to check delivery" Her: "can you only deliver half a cord?" Me: "sure can, half price of a full cord" Her: "190 is the price for a full so that would be 80 for a half?" Me: lost cell reception in the McDonald's parking lot I had pulled into to answer the phone. Not really sure what happened so I grabbed a burger, fries and coke with a smile.
Ive sold a few "extra" cords this year and had a funny one the other day. Lady calls and says "I need some wood delivered ASAP". I say "Great, I have some. Where do you want it delivered"? She gives me the address and seeing as I was already most of the way back from delivering another load I respond with "give me an hour maybe hour and a half" She says "Whoa, I didn't mean today" I say "Ok, your definition of ASAP varies from mine. So when do you want it?" She replies with "How about tomorrow?" Me: "Great see you first thing in the AM. Is 8:30 Ok? AndI'll call you before I hit the road to make sure someone is on site to check delivery" Her: "can you only deliver half a cord?" Me: "sure can, half price of a full cord" Her: "190 is the price for a full so that would be 80 for a half?" Me: lost cell reception in the McDonald's parking lot I had pulled into to answer the phone. Not really sure what happened so I grabbed a burger, fries and coke with a smile.
Maybe she made a mistake
You dont huh?

havnt in at least 5-6 years
if fast food is the only option, ill take wendys spicy chicken, but i much prefer a fat sub from a nice little deli stuffed full of turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion,hot peppers and spicy brown mustard :D ( ruins the whole sandwich when the people dont hear me say BROWN mustard and put that junk frenches yellow mustard on, ew)
She called me about 10 minutes after posting that last night. She said we must have gotten disconnected. I said (with a chuckle) "yup, and since you had a blocked # I couldn't call you back". When I tried to correct her that half of $190 was in fact NOT $80 she insisted that was the price I quoted. I told her I could bring her $80 worth of wood but it would be less than half a cord so we'll se how this goes. She can look at it and decide if she wants it. The mom-in-law needs some wood, this place is on the way and I have to go there later anyway. We'll see how it goes. Some people just aren't aware of their own stupidity.