I got to run a KA-211 / DA-211 today!!

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Nov 8, 2006
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Franklin, OH
I was up at the antique tractor show today and met John Harbison. His title is "Procurer, Preserver & Protector Of Primitive Chain Saws". He hails from Blufton, OH. He has an enclosed trailer with many early chainsaws, all in like new condition. They are fastened down as a rolling static display. Just to name a few was a Mall 6, Titan Blue Streak, Stihl BLK, and many others I'm not as familiar with. In front of his display sat a 40" log and a pair of Disston DA-211 saws in LN condition. One was actually a Kiekhaefer. I discussed the three of them that I have been trying to buy. His helpers were out and about the show and I told him I wanted to see them run before I left for the day. We walked over and started looking at the saws. I then offered to hold the stinger for him while he made a cut. He said sure. Just a short ways into the cut he stopped and walked over to my end. He said if you're going to get one of these, you might as well run it! He didn't have to say that twice! So I got to run one of these bad boys today and loved every second of it. You talk about making a pile of chips! This thing was wearing 3/4" chain and was really moving some wood. I thanked John for making my day.

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Is he gonna be up here for the Flywheelers shindig next weekend?

I'd love to see that thing in real time!

Stay safe!
That is by FAR the fastest cutting 2 man I've ever seen.
Runs like a top too!!!

Well how long did it take for you to get ahold of the guy with the 3 for sale after you got back home???
That is by FAR the fastest cutting 2 man I've ever seen.
Runs like a top too!!!

Well how long did it take for you to get ahold of the guy with the 3 for sale after you got back home???

I emailed that guy again last night, and again, have not heard a word! I'm done with him until he contacts me. I tried to come across as just trying to pass along the info I've learned as I tried to learn a little more about these saws. I mentioned that I know of two complete runners that I could buy for $350 or less and one PHO non runner for $50. I tried not to come across as simply saying his saws aren't worth anything. But still no response. Whatever. I'll come across the right saw sooner or later.
Brad, I am truly glad you got to run that saw. Big timber here is rare, unless its pine, or oak. Big saws, especially 2 man saws, are even rarer.
I met the guy at our local farmer days 2 years ago, He had a nice collection of vintage saws. I ended up talking to him for close to 2 hours if I had to guess. He told me that he really liked the old IEL (I think this is what they were called) saws and that once they started calling them pioneers and painting them yellow that they were going down hill. I have a couple of his cards around here somewhere.
That put a grin on your face ! Now that you have run one it makes it worse that the guy with the 3 is not playing ball as you know the fun you're missing !
Bet you can't wait to get the others back home ?
I have only run my KS 43 a couple of times and loved every second of it.
Brad I am glad you were able to talk to him and better yet run the saw. Plan on going up in a couple hrs, have to check out all the auction stuff.
What I'm waiting for is mr blsnelling to figure out how easy it is to make a 4000rpm merc run 6000rpm....with reliability...those mercs has decades of racing on the water. Things figured out wet still work when things are dry.
What I'm waiting for is mr blsnelling to figure out how easy it is to make a 4000rpm merc run 6000rpm....with reliability...those mercs has decades of racing on the water. Things figured out wet still work when things are dry.

Actually they used these bad boys in cart racing as well. They replaced the reed blocks with some other brand and ported them as well. Now you've got me thinking maybe I do need at least two of these things. I thought it was silly when you guys first mentioned porting it. But now I'm finding out they have tons of potential. I just wouldn't want to risk my only one.
Gosh, that looked like fun. I've never run a 2-man.

How many times have you booted a chip pile because you HAD to, not merely to show off:jawdrop:!
Actually they used these bad boys in cart racing as well. They replaced the reed blocks with some other brand and ported them as well. Now you've got me thinking maybe I do need at least two of these things. I thought it was silly when you guys first mentioned porting it. But now I'm finding out they have tons of potential. I just wouldn't want to risk my only one.

First thing is figure out the difference between the "H" models and the standard models (Some times only the lower unit was different), the next thing is to uncork their intake restrictions. Setting the reed valve stops a little more open and modding the reed valve blocks & intake to accept a larger carb has to yeald more "R's". The Saw's have more lattitude with exaust mods than the Out Boards. After that...I have no idea. I do know allowing them to breath netted 6000plus on the MK20H's I had. (MK55H saw 6500rpm & so did my warmed over MK58A thats still in my garage) I can't see why what worked on those "H" models wouldn't work on the KG4 & 7's used for the saws. I posted a bunch of Merc setup data & part number info on another saw site a couple of years ago..the one linked to Mike Acres site. Its been added to their tech info area by brand.
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