Current Conditions
Mon Feb 02, 15 at 4:00 AM PST
°C |
Feels like: -42
Visibility: n/a
Sunrise: 9:26 AM
Sunset: 5:21 PM
Wind: E 4 km/h
Humidity: 67%
Pressure: 103.3 kPa
Weather information provided by Environment Canada
SunnyHigh: -9°
ClearLow: -31°
(Celsius) Mon Feb 02, 15 at 5:00 AM PST
Sunny. High minus 23.
Clear. Low minus 35.
Sunny. High minus 22.
Yes! The gasket change made the whole difference! It was 33f inside when I got up at 4 am, but that isn't the point
The point is that the fire was still going!
So I raked up the coals, threw in some more rounds, made some coffee and an hr. later it's now 72F, but not sure how cold it is on the floor.
I can't express enough how much wood and heat you will save if you have a tight fitting door!