ArboristSite Lurker
My contribution:
Some times a guy gets further with a pinch of sugar rather than a gallon of vinegar....
Some times a guy gets further with a pinch of sugar rather than a gallon of vinegar....
Yep.My contribution:
Some times a guy gets further with a pinch of sugar rather than a gallon of vinegar....
So.....In review bought a saw for $150.00 plus're not happy and call the seller and go off like a cheap firecracker and he hangs up on come on here and bad mouth the seller some more......he comes back and tries to make it right......even to the point of offering you publically $50.00 more than you paid for it and he'd pay the shipping back....No way you say...WTF.....Logic would dictate you would leap on that offer....but no.... you want the saw...OK...but why still bad mouth the seller.....he's gone above and beyond just about anyone I've seen on ebay!!!
If you say you've been on here since 2004 (under another used name obviously) then you should already know how this kind of BS goes down....Kwit 'cher' bitchin' you got a dandy project.
This reminds me. I'm going to have to search for that listing and block this guy.
I hate be a d#nk here .....but you just keep digging a hole under yourself.....stop talking....fix your "new" saw...really........that may be why yer "perdecessors" are no longer with us.....let it go....or take the sellers offer......simply can not have it both ways.....
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Lol yup.Page 7-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You boys hate principals huh
...........Nope......just hate whiners...... and...when there is a way out offered and to their profit..... they deny....and still keep whining....that's what you'll find most folks you realize that is the very definition of "cutting your nose off to spite your face"......
You’re 100% correct in the assumption of nose cutting.
To learn that you fellas like crooks more than ******** though, hey I never did & never will try to rob any of you. principals are worth far far more than 50 bucks to me...
Get right on that bub, I surely don’t want to be giving people that dislike me my money.. You are almost as cool as an antifa soy the way you support the cool crowd.
“Look at me fellow AS circle jerkers!!!”
You’re 100% correct in the assumption of nose cutting.
To learn that you fellas like crooks more than ******** though, hey I never did & never will try to rob any of you. principals are worth far far more than 50 bucks to me...
Yup just sold a Sears D-49, Sears 3.7 both Power Sharp versions a Remington Mighty Mite and a David Bradley to the same seller. He probably would have bought more if I had them ready. I had one of these saws on eBay but, took it off after edwardo bought it, even after leaving the negative feedback on my profile. I’m probably not going to sell anymore on eBay after this last ordeal unless it’s really rare and not drawing any attention elsewhere.
Gee whiz, you are begging to be banned aren't you!!! Hearing the complaints from you was rather amusing for awhile, but now it's downright annoying and insulting to the rest of the well meaning community. Sorry, but get off of here if you don't like the site. Nobody except yourself if forcing you to be on here. I cannot imagine I am the only one with these thoughts either lol.
Nobody like crooks......however from the information presented so far....the seller has offered to take the saw back and give you $50.00 in addition to a full you are satisfied or not....obviously not.....what would it take....$100.00.....$200.00 when would you get the fXXk over it? I don't have a dog in this fight but it certainly seems to me you are being the azzhole been offered a remedy plus $50 bucks....chit or get off the pot!!!
Gee whiz, you are begging to be banned aren't you!!! Hearing the complaints from you was rather amusing for awhile, but now it's downright annoying and insulting to the rest of the well meaning community. Sorry, but get off of here if you don't like the site. Nobody except yourself if forcing you to be on here. I cannot imagine I am the only one with these thoughts either lol.