Chill man, I'm not trying to be a social justice warrior or anything of the sort. It would just be nice if you would respect, or at the least not make nasty spiteful rumors or comments, towards other members and the community in general, which is more or less cyber-bullying. It's not ok. Yes I would be very upset if I were banned from posting, but I would completely understand if I were violating site rules before I got banned. Also, someone else can chime in, but last I checked the mods did not take particular pleasure in banning members.
It's very obvious you have some other issue bugging you outside of this purchase entirely, and I'm very sorry I cannot solve your problems with the purchase or life in general, but I suggest you take it somewhere else for your benefit. I'm open to talk to you, but you need to be a little more civil. Have a little pride man, I'm only 19 and I learned many years ago that kind of attitude never gets you very far.