I need help deciding on a chainsaw for my husband's birthday!!

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I have 1 Stihl 440. But that is too much money and saw for the use intended.

I'd like to second the MS 361 suggestion.
If you can stretch to that $ level.
They are really fabulous. You could get one with a 28 inch bar/full skip chain and that might be the cats meow.
auntmeme said:
THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH!! I see I have my work cut out for me. When I go looking today, I'll know better what I'm looking for. I'm also going to call the TreeStuff guys. I'll keep you posted on my search.

LOL, no problem Auntmeme. We excell at spending someone else's money!!!
do let us know what you end up deciding on, and how he likes it, then send him over here to tell us about his nice new saw and wonderful wife who bought it for him!
begleytree said:
LOL, no problem Auntmeme. We excell at spending someone else's money!!!
do let us know what you end up deciding on, and how he likes it, then send him over here to tell us about his nice new saw and wonderful wife who bought it for him!

:hmm3grin2orange: I'll second that.

Auntmeme Iwant to add my 2 cents worth in this. If the $400 dollar cap is a hard limit then I would stay with the Stihl MS290/310, it will do what your husband wants with no problems. But if you can go the extra for the MS361 you will have a pro series saw that will last many years beyond the 290/310 due to the construction of the saw. I would suggest you talk to the Stihl dealer about it and he can explain further. The extra $150-200 over the extend life of the 361 will not amount to many dollars per year. Congradulations of taking the time to research this purchase, it tells me you are a special person and your husband is a very lucky man.
I commend you Anutmeme, doing research on a forum to get a saw, for your husband, awesome!

My vote is for the Stihl MS290. It is not the lightest, but for $330 ish, is a nice running saw. I have the MS361, but that is another $200. Go for the MS290 with some new hearing protection, files, and maybe a pair of chaps. Good luck!
I'm with Ed and a few others. The MS290 did not get to be a Stihl's #1 seller for nothing. It's a pretty big and heavy, but it's also a very reliable homeowner-grade saw that is sure to give years of service with relatively little outlay.

It was my first saw when I graduated from the ranks of Poulan saws, and despite my newfound appreciation for my lighter MS170 and heavier but oh-so-much more powerful-and-expensive MS460, I:
(a) do not regret buying the MS290, and
(b) still use it as my basic go-to saw. If I start a job, it's my first pick-up, if I see I have some light trimming or BIG stuff I grab up the appropriate support saw.
(c) was not too much of a step up from my Poulan so as to get overwhelmed when "getting serious" about saws.

I run an 18 inch bar (not "blade" BTW) and what Stihl calls "RS" chain. The machine can likely handle a 20 incher, but my combo works well for me.
Yeah, I'm going to chime in here recommend looking at a Sthil MS 290 or MS 310. Now, these are the same saw, but only with different size displacement, so the 310 has more power, but weighs exactly the same. But it'll cost a bit more too. Pretty sure though it'll come in around your $400.

I've got to be honest, if your husband is used to using two Poulans that he hates, moving to the Stihl 290 or 310 will be far and away more enjoyable. The votes for the Sthil MS 361 are well-founded. I've got one, and I love it. But it's beyond your price limit for just cutting firewood, especially with what he's used to, the MS 290 or 310 (and I have owned a 310 in the past, so I can vouch for it) will do him fine.

They'll not be able to pull super long bars, and I'd keep the 290 to a 20" and the 310 to a 24". But to be honest, not many $400 saws will have the power to pull longer bars. And you can do alot with a 24" or even 20" bars. If he's regularly cutting wood upwards of 40"-50" well then, he's quite the firewood cutter and needs actually a couple of saws.

You're from Cloverdale? I'm originally from Leavenworth, down on the River, and graduated high school from Plymouth, up by South Bend.

Welcme to AS, and be sure to let us know what you choose.

auntmeme said:
I live in Cloverdale Indiana. There are Stihl and Husqvarna dealers nearby. He has run across some pretty big trees that his 24" blade won't go through, does that help?
It would help if we knew the model numbers of his saws. If they are for example a 3700 and a 5200, he may want a large saw. A card with a picture of a saw inside with cash or a gift certificate would be awesome. Then the saw choice would be his.
ray benson said:
It would help if we knew the model numbers of his saws. If they are for example a 3700 and a 5200, he may want a large saw. A card with a picture of a saw inside with cash or a gift certificate would be awesome. Then the saw choice would be his.

I agree with this....Buying tools for someone can be difficult. I personally would prefer the card with a picture and then let him select! He will be happy and will get exactly what he wants. You can even print out this thread and put it in the card so that he will get some ideas of the models suggested!
ray benson said:
It would help if we knew the model numbers of his saws. If they are for example a 3700 and a 5200, he may want a large saw. A card with a picture of a saw inside with cash or a gift certificate would be awesome. Then the saw choice would be his.
I wondered that too, ray. If it was the little green plastic junk poulans or the REAL poulans of the hey days with the mag cases etc.
I bet they are the little green plastic throw aways without the chrome cylinders.
ray benson said:
It would help if we knew the model numbers of his saws. If they are for example a 3700 and a 5200, he may want a large saw. A card with a picture of a saw inside with cash or a gift certificate would be awesome. Then the saw choice would be his.

I think Ray has a good idea with the gift card, that way he can go in and feel the weight of each saw and the way it feels to him, then select his own saw.
If you want to go ahead and pick one up and you want a Stihl I would get the MS 280 or the MS 310. Good Luck and welcome.:clap:
If she gives a picture and says go pick one out, he may come home with a 660, and be sleeping in the garage.

This may be the way he gets a new, better saw, and the purchase remains in the financial comfort zone. Hence the $400 budget, by coming here first she'll make a good decision and hubby will be happy with whatever is under the tree.
I dont know why everyone keeps saying the 290 but I would stay away from that saw!! There are much better machines out there!