I really NEED set of gaffs

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Froggy, I'd stick w/ the pole gaffs on the Bash's, i've climbed on them before and theyre long enough for just about everything, The tree gaffs bash makes are way too long, and let alone 60 bucks....T2's rock, i have them w/ the double felt pads which are about to be replaced w/ the "Cadillac" pads, i've been wanting a set of those for a while, i've only heard great things about them.

Froggy, that seems like alot of money to be spending on a pair of used spurs. Forget about the spurs and buy an srt setup. lots more fun.
No raw spots here. :cool:

I have tried some “weird” things while climbing but I ain’t stickin’ no kotex to my forehead. I’ll stick with antiperspirant. :D
Maxi or mini...

...inquiring minds wanna no....:blob2:

I've still got the shin pads that my now deceased (heroin od) worker used....dont need em with Caddy pads.
Originally posted by Tim Gardner
I have tried some “weird” things while climbing but I ain’t stickin’ no kotex to my forehead. I’ll stick with antiperspirant. :D

Hahaha!!! You don't stick it to your forehead!:laugh:
I have to tell you all I got a deal from spreader. He treated me first class. Those Kleins are on thier way to North Carolina as we speek. Thanks for all the info. I made my decision on the Kliens. First you can't go wrong with them and second spreader was willing to bend over backwards for me. Thanks to all yall and especially spreader. :blob2:
I just bought a pair of geckos last week, and no removals last week to try them on. I've got 11 pines to take down tomorrow so they will get a work out. I tried them for about 5 minutes on a tele pole outside and they were very different. I'm worried that I may regret buying them, I'll know by end of day tomorrow.
You guys crack me up

I know I can climb on pole gaffs for a while. Thick bark tree will be tricky, but as long as I dig in hard I should be OK.
And that unless you're on the vertical face of a trunk , or a limbless stem, you're generally moving about without the assistance of the spikes. Pole climbers, differing only in that they have a shorter gaff length, it seems it would be asier to get around, in general, and seemingly while vertically pasted, they could minimize the 'equal and opposite reaction', or the force of the top of the legware into the inside of your knee area. Also, moving about in general, less length to gaff your own self.

This brings up my worst fear of all time, worse than electricity, lightning, falling.... my biggest paranoia in the working life is GAFFING MYSELF THROUGH THE ACHILLES TENDON. I feared this the very first time a pair went around my lower leg. This makes me a climber who went spikeless pretty much out of the box.

The gaffs I own now, I got new with good pads, not the Caddy Pads, but maybe more akin to a Subaru Forester Pad. Anyway, the set came with two left pads. By flipping a left pad around you can get it to do it's job on the right side. I've never called Buckingham to get an exchange because I don't spend a lot of time with them. Is that retarded, or what? ALMOST as retarded as sticking frickin women's feminine paddage to your frickin gourd. But that is only imo. I will giggle when I think of you removing your helmet to talk to a client, and forgetting that you've got a Freakin MaxiFresh pasted across your receding hairline.....:D :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Re: You guys crack me up

Originally posted by Tree Machine
ALMOST as retarded as sticking frickin women's feminine paddage to your frickin gourd. But that is only imo. I will giggle when I think of you removing your helmet to talk to a client, and forgetting that you've got a Freakin MaxiFresh pasted across your receding hairline.....:D :laugh:

Actually, you attach it to the sweatband in the hardhat, not yur head. :dizzy:
Talkin without knowin

I've never used pole gaffs, either, Aussie. Just speculating.

MB, I'm going to pitch A-O Safety to include in their new German-made T and B helmet a couple absorbo-mesh Maxi Pad holders. They should, at the very least, be entertained.;)
Well guys I have both-though not by the same manufacturer. What a surprise to me to discover that pole gaffs hold BETTER up in the tops. Up where the bark is thin and the spars are skinny my Brooks let me rest my heels against the trunk and be stable. The long gaffed Buckinghams won't bite that deep. they hold my boots away from the spar. They wobble. They torque out and peel strips of bark and wood. One of these days I'll try Brooks Tree Gaffs-which are only 2" long and may be great in both thick and thin bark for all I know.:angel:
Finally used my Geckos today

Today is the first time I've climbed on my new climbers, Here are my thoughts on the Gecko 2's:

- Very Very Comfy, they are very secure, I like the top velcro wrap, way better than the old style leather with one strap that I have been using.

-I come from short pole gaffs, so this is a big change for me with the offset gaffs of the gecko, it seemed that they wanted to rotate left and right more cause my boot is farther away from the tree. I did kick out about 5 times, I think this is all about the angle and rotation of my feet. Seems like with my old spikes I set then and could only rotate up and down, where these allow my foot to rotate and have the spike cut out from rotating sideways where that was a movement on the old spikes that just didn't seem to happen like it does with these.

I took down a cherry tree, it was kind of skiney up top and not ideal for learning to climb on new climbers. My pine job last week turned out where I could drop them all, no climbing, so I didn't get to test them on a pine. Pines here are much more like poles and I think will be a better way of getting used to them.

Overall I THINK I like them. I don't hate them. More testing Thursday, oak removal.
Some motocross racers used to stick the maxi pads right to their forehead above the goggles to keep the sweat out of their eyes. I haven't seen anybody do it in person, maybe it fell out of fashion?:blob2:

Froggy be glad you didn't get the Brooks if you like Wescos, I love my Brooks but can't wear them with those boots because the way the straps dig in on the sides.

I ended getting some T2's , have only tried them once so far , man those are some tall spikes! Made me feel way off the tree, kicked out a bunch of times. I'll be trying them out some more later this week.

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