How the heck did I miss that one? I have a saved search for 288XP. Probably didn't have XP in the title. Sometimes things pass through the cracks. It is indeed a soft market right now. Ebay goes in cycles...
What was the shipping cost? Like I've said before.........that's what usually kills a Poulan XXV auction. That and there's usually about 200 XXV variants for sale at any given time. Makes it hard for an auction to go silly............unless the saw is branded A/C. Because there are so many up for sale, the auctions don't always get bid on before they end (with these 'common' saws).
$35 shipping (for example) makes a "$.99" XXV really cost $36. Unless I know the seller, I'm not going to pay that for a used XXV saw. If the saw gets bid up to $25 then that's a $60 saw. P/C's are too expensive to risk throwing $35-$60 or more on an unknown saw that I can pick up at a yard sale for $20 or less. Also, at the yard sale I can often convince the seller to allow me to pull the muffler cover to inspect the P/C...