Years ago I missed out on one of them by seconds. It was in near perfect shape. A friend of mine was at at a sale less than 2 miles from my house. He called me from his cell to tell me about it. He said it had no price on it, I jumped in the truck and was there in minutes only to see a fella handing the owner a $10 bill for it.
Hind sight's 20/20, but I shoulda told him to carry it till I got there, I wasn't expecting it to sell in the 2 minutes it took me to get there. All he told me on the phone is it said Lumberjack on it. I was sure if it was one of them plastic boxstore lumberjacks made Wen I think it is.
I don't think they are a high dollar saw, but I think they look cool and have got to be loud.
The condition the of the one I lost out on was beautiful... I would have gladly gave $10.

I noticed it has and adjustable front handle for balancing with different bar lengths. Kinda cool.
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