I would love to have one of these..
too bad I can't afford one.:bang:
I would love to have one of these..
too bad I can't afford one.:bang:
Take a close look and I bet you will see it did not sell. I will bet you a T bone from one of my steers I had to chase tonight.
Hey MCW been toyin with the idea of a new 660. Whats the current US landed price. I kinda lost the theme in your thread? Are US not as good as Aussie ones, you say oilier and exhaust NQR. Are they cheaper to source US or OZ local now?
As for the Makita well I wouldnt know never touched one but a grand? hmm seems high for a blue saw.
Just for kicks I responded to her previous ad when she was located in Furlow, about eleven miles due south of Cabot where she currently, apparently be stayin'.
Thu, September 23, 2010 11:35:12 PMRE: Wood Cutter Needed - $1 (Furlow)
I am unsure of what kind of wood splitter it is, but its one that u can put a whole section of wood in it and it splits it with no problems. I know it is one of the best for my stepfather bought it b4 he passed away and he only bought the best stuff n anything. The chainsaw is a stihl industrial and we have all types of wood out here. we live on 170 acres. It's just that since my stepfather passed and my brother moved to fayetteville and his wife had twin boys 2 weeks ago so he isnt able to leave even for a weekend to help us. Every guy I know who says they are going to do it still hasnt got a thing done except a whole lot of fishing on our property. There is my 85yr old grandma, my 61year old mother and me, and I can help you but if I help I get paid to out of what we make if I do help out. Otherwise you get half the wood cut and split and at 65+ a rick, u could make u sum money this year pretty quick. We already have quite a few trees that were taken down by storms this year and that are cured enuf to sell right away. There is pine, oak, pinoak, and well, I live right on wattansaw creek on 250 acres, so there has got to be a tree u like somewhere. Lol. If u decide u r interested
Why is it so high?
Sigh!!!........carn you guy's, buy a Husky!...![]()
Ya know Aussie1 I been thinkin that too I always been a stihl chap but reckon I could change even this late in life. Lets see which way I go.
Thanks MCW very help full luv a 660 so $1600 good hopin with our dollar going well may save me a buck. Huh, you run 050 grove n chain makes sense faster n cheaper but I never tried on a Stihl just on Shinnys as they come that way.
Bunnies going nuts over here gonna be a plague later this summer.
Why is it so high?
Ya know Aussie1 I been thinkin that too I always been a stihl chap but reckon I could change even this late in life. Lets see which way I go.
Thanks MCW very help full luv a 660 so $1600 good hopin with our dollar going well may save me a buck. Huh, you run 050 grove n chain makes sense faster n cheaper but I never tried on a Stihl just on Shinnys as they come that way.
Bunnies going nuts over here gonna be a plague later this summer.
You haven't seen Husky and Stihl prices here, have you ? :lol2:
much, much smaller market than the US (22million population vs over 300 million) so higher unit price to compensate for smaller volumes.
Higher sea freight cost as we are so far from Europe.
Higher internal freight costs than the US. (Fed. Gov. charges 38c/litre excise on fuel )
Much higher basic wages than the US.
Other overhead costs for the retailer can be higher due to smaller market/distance/etc.
Much higher margins charged by the importer.
Who ever walked off with my XL2 chainsaw sitting on top of my stuck 4 wheeler Sunday and Monday please return it no questions asked.
If you don't no good will come to you, mark my words.
You can leave it in my driveway @ 212 Hillsdale Road (Rt 23) and your good fortune will return
Thank you Tom
Pretty sorry to go and swipe somebody's little ol' XL-12!
Hopefully someone will donate one to him, if that slimebag doesn't own up! Karma Baby!
lmao...dad enlightening me that all i had was gristle coz i wasn't old enough to have a back...