Wiggs, you 100% on that?
that's skippyKTM's (Chris) auctionand he mentions it's 53cc, closed port would be 51cc... IIRC :dunno:
I compared the pics of that saw cylinder to an open port and closed port jug I have here, and it sure looks like a closed port to me. Most of the 46mm open port jugs I've seen have a blue "46" stamp on top of them, and have two small casting slugs on the 3rd and 4th fin, on either side of the decomp. And most of the open port saws have the "Rancher" designation on the starter label. The only thing that makes me think that it "might" be an open port is how high up the fins are cut out for the air injection nozzle. I very well could be wrong though, as there are no real good pic's of the transfer's. Guess I should have posted a disclaimer.![]()
Hells yeah! It did..
clean though...but WOW! I gotta put the 20 hr unit back together and get that NICE side cover on it the orig was used as a guide for stumpin'
Jeremy, PM scent..
What'd the 55 bring? Maybe I should sell mine when I get the P/C put in it. It is showroom new.
I thought you were sending it to me, so I could fix it (andsellitfor$265 :jester???
check out the Auction Bryan! the saw was super clean, and the pictures were NICE and big...
the link was a page or so back...
I missed a deal here call the guy 5 times today before he answered the phone said he had just sold them
Husqvarna and Stihl Chainsaws
I done good:biggrinbounce2:That sucker brought good money though...![]()
I would buy it but the phone number is not complet
I done good:biggrinbounce2:
The Saw's still here, (its gonna be a local pickup)
... Is there an easy way to tell if its open or closed port without taking the saw apart?
056 MAG II downriver area in MI on CL
just postin a link for the interested, have not contacted.
Stihl 056 magnum II 93.5cc chainsaw
I went to go pick up this saw and the Guy said: I think I'm just going to keep it, I don't want to sell it!:deadhorse::deadhorse: his # was 248 499 2929 I think it was his Momma's house
I called about a really clean 090 on CL this morning. We came to an agreement on the price, and I was to call in the afternoon and come pick it up after work. I called to get directions and he had sold it to someone else![]()
WOW! that's total junk. Because of this reason, and it happening WAY too many times to me, I'm VERY reluctant to negotiate price over the phone unless i'm going RIGHT to the bank, and RIGHT to the item...
or get the address THEN, and say I will be there @ 5.. and bring Bubba with you![]()