Mister Wizard
Dang! You're letting the world in on one of my little secrets! I'm NOT Amused:msp_angry:
Get used to it friend. That seems to be the purpose of this whole damn thread....
Sears Craftsman Poulan 3400 3700 counter-vibe Chainsaw - eBay (item 320675755929 end time Mar-30-11 18:35:00 PDT)
Craftsman branded Poulan 3700 for $25 plus shipping.
Crap! Now I'm bent that I haven't been able to get on the computer for a couple days. I'd have caught that one in my own ebay searching. In case I do miss 'em time you see a Craftsman 3.7 listed cheap like that on feebay (or in a CL listing in Ca) send me a PM instead of posting in this thread.......please...

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