il fix it
a DCS 390. Tried looking it up on acres. no luck. just emailed the guy. $30 works for me, depending on the condition
That link is for a 372xp and it's $130. Something is afowl.
of the 2 lightnings being sold on ebay currently the one in idaho
might be the 137 cc S model.
I asked the seller to remove the cover to see which cylinder it has.
Have not heard back yet. That saw does appear to have the 137 starter
on it though.
Seller is unclear about details and you may have seen this offered before
at this start bid.|66:2|39:1|293:1|294:50
The S model should also have the 6 shoe clutch.
Figured someone might want this.
Now that my a beast of a saw!
Just about what someone is willing to pay for it.
Log splitter - $125 (Chatfield)
Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2009-07-06, 9:34PM CDT
Craftsman gas log splitter. Lighter duty. Perfect for splitting wood for your back yard campfire. Runs great. $125/OBO. Please contact via email.
Location: Chatfield
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests