Ice Storm tracking

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still a mess.may be muddy tomorrow.we'll be there all week at least.haven't even gotten out of one neighborhood.daylight savings time blows.

Man you northerners need to learn how to put lights on yer trucks.
My bucket has two spotlights and three work lights + headlights
I light up 100 yard area:cheers:
Anybody looking for help, I've got a whole crew sitting around doing nothing. Getting sick of sitting on my butt. Only a couple hours away, I'm in the Buffalo area. Thanks Nick
Its all cleaned up here no need to come. :phone:

I was actually surprised how patchy it is. Seems one neighborhood will have branches everywhere and the next is still prestine and in perfect shape. Much nicer work today now that the ice has melted off the branches. Boss kicked in some rooms at the Hilton so I'm livin large w/ a belly full o' porterhouse and a flatscreen tv. Now THAT'S what I call storm work.
I was actually surprised how patchy it is. Seems one neighborhood will have branches everywhere and the next is still prestine and in perfect shape. Much nicer work today now that the ice has melted off the branches. Boss kicked in some rooms at the Hilton so I'm livin large w/ a belly full o' porterhouse and a flatscreen tv. Now THAT'S what I call storm work.

Hell I would live in a tent I want a paycheck to heck with Hilton!
I do eat but can afford my own if pays fair imo keep the perks
send my check:monkey: You all are probably going to get hit
again if what we are getting comes your way! It is not bad here
yet just sleet but who knows tomorrow is forecast for more! :cheers:
Hell I would live in a tent I want a paycheck to heck with Hilton!
I do eat but can afford my own if pays fair imo keep the perks
send my check:monkey: You all are probably going to get hit
again if what we are getting comes your way! It is not bad here
yet just sleet but who knows tomorrow is forecast for more! :cheers:

I was actually surprised how patchy it is. Seems one neighborhood will have branches everywhere and the next is still prestine and in perfect shape. Much nicer work today now that the ice has melted off the branches. Boss kicked in some rooms at the Hilton so I'm livin large w/ a belly full o' porterhouse and a flatscreen tv. Now THAT'S what I call storm work.

Well put!! ITs odd how different streets are just hammered and 2 blocks away everything is hunkee dooree. We have been working dawn till dusk since the storm hit thurs night but today the tree company's came out the wood work. Every other street some one was cutting. What kind of trucks are you guys running? Name of company? We have mostly white trucks with blue knuckle booms and chippers. J&B TREE SPECIALIST on the doors. stop by if you see us, will be in the Albany area for the next 2 weeks. Oh yeah, X2 on the no ice thing...MUCH NICER!!!
I was actually surprised how patchy it is

That is why it is good to know a little meteorology, think of these storms as the frost pockets that kill a garden. we can call it a freeze pocket

The rain falls from a warmer airmass into the freeze pocket, then the rain freezes almost right away. Around the corner the ground is a little higher, or has a topography that allows the warm air to move in so it does not get the freezing.
There are still 96000plus with out power and this is day 5. They are actually looking on canceling schools until after x mas break.
I left my house 130 am on friday morning it took me 45 minutes to get to my shop 10 minutes away. I had to cut threw trees and go around power lines. I have seen so many hacks out it makes me sick. I work as a groundskeeper fro a school system and have been cutting trees eversince friday, and also been cutting for the town as well.:greenchainsaw:
1st off ******* I didn't steal your name. 2nd you are an electrican Right? just Chasing storms, do you even own a real tree service?

I asked you before to change it, and you didn't. I picked this name long before you. this confuses searches, and why get personal? anybody can type, say it to my face, and wake up with a wired jaw.

don't need a tree business to be a good climber. I make good money doing what I do. I've ran a business for years, and found a niche with little headache.

yes I have 2 careers, and do both very well.. I do tree work year round, and do whatever I can to provide for my 4 kids. what you think is irrelevant to me.
I asked you before to change it, and you didn't. I picked this name long before you. this confuses searches, and why get personal? anybody can type, say it to my face, and wake up with a wired jaw.

don't need a tree business to be a good climber. I make good money doing what I do. I've ran a business for years, and found a niche with little headache.

yes I have 2 careers, and do both very well.. I do tree work year round, and do whatever I can to provide for my 4 kids. what you think is irrelevant to me.

I haven't posted on this site since then just lurk once in a while 2 many better sites out there to check out . You just brought it up about stealing your name. Like I said before you can have it let it go. As far as my jaw I seriously doubt that. good luck with your 2 careers.
I guess up in Ashfield, MA right up near where I was working saturday, they had high tensions come down, not sure if it was just wires or whole towers. They are talking about no power possibly till after Xmas. Wowser.

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