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Now in reference to you post #26 about + and neg chip polarity using NOVA chips. I first connect them with pos polarity and if I get spark and no start or saw starts but out of time or the rope is hard to pull through indicating timing off I reverse polarity and try again. What you are experiencing with the NOVA II chips is what I seen when used on the !-40-,1-50 Mac's, erratic and no long term life and some wanted pos and some wanted neg., only ran for little while. Never did get a good run operation with the Nova II chips.
The polarity is suppose to relate to the polarity of the magnets on the flywheel as to which enters the mag first but NOVA chip is hit and miss, mostly miss.
The chip idea of not having to pull the flywheel for installing was mainly why I was testing and I had a 1-53 with bad points and vintage replacement points/condenser was priced out of sight when I first went to looking for replacements and I also had some Homies that I was going to use the chips on but found out fast to just stick with OEM points systems on the chainsaws.
I have not tested the Rotary chips, but recently used a no longer manu'ed ATOM chip on a Homie saw and seems ok so far. (converted from electronic Mag to points mag and a Atom chip BECAUSE the block has no provision for mounting points and no points crank lobe.
Summary: (what you need to do is forget about the chips for your Mac and find a set of new points and condenser for your old Mac.
You will hear SOME guys say that they can FILE points and make them ok. Filing points is in the same category as peeing into the wind. When the polished coating is worn off, pitted or the rubbing block worn filing is only a temp fix. Even re-gapping OLD worn points is asking for trouble. Points can be dressed and re-stored if they are only dirty or have the oil film. I have some very expensive diamond coated points dressing files and I know from experience when I touch them to old worn out points it's only to get a temporary run/test. AND CONSTANTLY PULLING THE FLYWHEEL TO FILE AND ADJUST OLD POINTS IS ASKING FOR TROUBLE, INCREASING THE CHANCES OF RUINING THE FLYWHEEL OR CRANK ESPECIALLY IF YOU USE THE WHACK METHOD OF REMOVING.
I have some old big Mac's that points ignition are 50 years old and still going strong. I went to ebay and did a search (
and also a saved search) and finally seen a listing for 2 or 3 sets of NEW Old Stock points and condensers from a guy dirt cheap. You have to watch out for the word VINTAGE or Kart engine parts, they use that word to jack up the price on old junk Mac parts..