Is there somewhere I can plug in my trailer or do I need to bring my generator.
We can plug you in, bud.
Is there somewhere I can plug in my trailer or do I need to bring my generator.
We can plug you in, bud.
We can plug you in, bud.
Cool, I need electric also. Just for a couple minutes, to fill the air matress.
I will have power by generator or by the invertor you can use too.
Looking forward to cutting some big oak. No spikes please. The cookies are done. Also two doz brownies.
I will have power by generator or by the invertor you can use too.
Looking forward to cutting some big oak. No spikes please. The cookies are done. Also two doz brownies.
I will have power by generator or by the invertor you can use too.
Looking forward to cutting some big oak. No spikes please. The cookies are done. Also two doz brownies.
You getting a lot of smoke out of the exhaust???
In case you didn't know, I like brownies and cookies.:msp_biggrin:
I won't even attempt that...
I gotta stay on a project from start to finish...
I do, however, tend to keep miscellaneous parts I may "need" later...
Till I get tired of tripping over them... Then I throw em' out...:bang:
Had a good night last night got the big bore 046 done . I also watched a cross cut saw being sharpened . last year at this time I only had one saw . Now I have a 084,038 mastermined, 046 ported,041, Ms460,Ms192t and lots of other parts saws. Does any one have any stihl 404 presets and straps thay would sell? I only need a couple. See you guys Saturday morning. Lee
I will have power by generator or by the invertor you can use too.
Looking forward to cutting some big oak. No spikes please. The cookies are done. Also two doz brownies.
Marcy spoils us!!!! Lovin' IT!!!!
Just heard from my chainsaw buddy out of Ida Grove (another Mike... just what we need right) Anyhow he's bringing some old 2mans for us to play with!!!!
Mac 940
Disston DA211
Mall 11
Mall 7
Plus other old school mag to have fun with!
The 2 Malls are up for sale or trade if anyone needs to feed a 2 man CAD hankering...
I just got a couple 35cc saws done last night. My ported saw fell through so I'll be running a stock saw with sharp chain on the 40cc saw race. I got my P52 completed last night so I might bring that along...
Sounds like a good time with the with the 2 man's ! Chris is bringing his KB6.
Is that P 52 going to be up for trade ?
yeah I'd consider trading the P52... you got something cool or Makita/Dolmar related??? Also i had to rob a decomp valve from my 655 for the P52 so if you have a spare one that might help sweeten any trade you got![]()