You get that chain fixed yet???
You got a dandy 385 there, use the crap out of it...
yeah there were a few DOA chains this weekend. I think Justin can grind out most of the problems on that chain though... Just gotta look at the bright side, chains cut better once they are 1/2 ground down!
The below pic is Mike from Ida Grove... He isn't on AS but those who go to auctions in NW Iowa seem to know him for better or for worse. He's a great guy and loves to take his saws around to tractor shows with his dad from what I recall. He's got tons of cool stuff and I wish I could of run a couple of his saws!
Kinda sad I didn't get to run a 2 man this weekend, or a 2100, or a P100, or a bow saw...

Just about the time I wanted to run more saws the wife was ready to leave. I can't blame her though I was tired from staying up friday night till 3:30am, and I had enough daylight to unload once we were home!

I had a great weekend all! Thanks to the Hosky's for hosting and Alex, Mike, and Shaun for felling the trees... Mike especially for the sweet out-house! And lastly thanks to all those who took the time to drive in for the weekend. All the preperation is hard work but we shouldn't neglect a thanks to those who just showed up to help make the weekend a success!
Also if anyone cares I finished the ms290 in 42mins 11sec. I also broke the grounding screw and forgot to install the inner cylinder cover. I expect that someone that shortens the grounding screw and put everything together correctly could have it done in 30-35mins.
I can't help but think these GTG's go way to fast and there is always more saws you wanted to run or another saw you wanted to get fixed for a race, did we even do any tanerite porting or chainsaw tossing??? Several of us have been tossing around the idea of a "log-less GTG" simply for trading, BSing, and eating good food...
anyone up for a
Midwest Chainsaw Swapmeet?
PS: sorry alex, you gotta keep your wright until Mitch's gtg if you want a shot at the old long saw!