Through research, technology, and education, the International Society of Arboriculture promotes the professional practice of arboriculture and fosters a greater worldwide awareness of the benefits of trees."
This "greater worldwide awareness" seems entirely dependant on people blundering onto the ISA site by accident, or being fortunate enough, (either by design or again by accident) to hire a professional to look after their tree needs, who in turn feels sufficiently blessed by his/her ISA relationship to promote the association.
I would regard it as somewhat miraculous to have somebody actually discover my company via the ISA website. Which is OK, because they would first have to discover the ISA, which in itself is a bit of a long shot. So a double miracle would have to take place. But wait a minute.....the potential client wold have to be aware that I'm listed on the ISA website as operating in the little hamlet of "Utterson," even though a Town of almost 20,000 is literally 5 minutes away! And there are currently 3 of us CA's listed for Utterson.