Jonsered Chainsaws

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Thanks Cantdog, that is what I would like to do. LRB is supposed to have a rim drive on the way for me. But it has been three weeks now. Starting to wonder if that is going to work out for me.
This saw is due for new bar and chains anyhow, so would love to have new rim drive of any sort- I can match it up when I buy chains.
You need the Oregon #, so you can search the Net and used parts places. I found a rim drive sprocket drum for a 111S and so I figure they are out there for all the J'reds saws.

Spur drive is a hopelessly bad system for anyone really wanting to use their saws. Even the 111S came with spur drive.....still scratching my head over that one.

And yes, if you go with Oregon the sprockets are interchangeable.

Since the original owners were faced with the same dilemma, i.e., replacing the whole drum as the spurs wore down, most saws were converted to the floating rim sprocket system....either with Jonsereds part #'s shown in the IPL or with Oregon units. I suspect Oregon actually made all the floating rim sprocket drums...even if they said Jonsereds.

Yes, they change easy, but if you change your sprocket from say .325 to 3/8 low pro or full size 3/8,
you will also have to change the bar sprocket, as the sprocket on the nose of the bar needs to match the one
on the saw, if you use a .325 sprocket on your saw the bar sprocket also needs to match, that will mean either
changing the bar for one with the correct sprocket, or some bars have removable tips, and these tips can be
purchased with the appropriate / required sprocket to match the one on the saw.
Hi Kevin, its been an odd day for me, I have been unwell, and for a year have not been able to sleep,
the neighbors dog is the problem, and they just don't care, I was so tired today that I drove to town
without a seat belt on, that woke me right up, then I looked in here, and saw a fellow who says he
has a newb question, and not wanting to see him fall like I did today, I gave my answer a good shot,
acknowledging that no one is free from getting it wrong, it happens, and I wish I had someone to
alert me in time like today when I forgot to strap in, its all ended well though.
Hi Kevin, its been an odd day for me, I have been unwell, and for a year have not been able to sleep,
the neighbors dog is the problem, and they just don't care, I was so tired today that I drove to town
without a seat belt on, that woke me right up, then I looked in here, and saw a fellow who says he
has a newb question, and not wanting to see him fall like I did today, I gave my answer a good shot,
acknowledging that no one is free from getting it wrong, it happens, and I wish I had someone to
alert me in time like today when I forgot to strap in, its all ended well though.
It's all good, as we say here. I have a bad habit of assuming everyone is at least advanced amateur with respect to chainsaws.

Sorry about your dog issue. If I were closer and we were friends, the dog would 'disappear' for you, no questions asked.

My neighbors can get fined with a barking dog. All that has to happen is the cop comes out and listens for 20 minutes of continuous barking and he writes them up a substantial fine. But there are consequences....the cop might slip and say who complained and starts a war, or the owners decide there is nothing they can do about it and destroy the dog. 90% of the time, it's the owner's fault, not the dog's.

It get more complicated though in apartments because you're dealing with a manager or owner and not just a cop.

Stay well and I hope you can work through your sleep/dog issue!

It's all good, as we say here. I have a bad habit of assuming everyone is at least advanced amateur with respect to chainsaws.

Sorry about your dog issue. If I were closer and we were friends, the dog would 'disappear' for you, no questions asked.

My neighbors can get fined with a barking dog. All that has to happen is the cop comes out and listens for 20 minutes of continuous barking and he writes them up a substantial fine. But there are consequences....the cop might slip and say who complained and starts a war, or the owners decide there is nothing they can do about it and destroy the dog. 90% of the time, it's the owner's fault, not the dog's.

It get more complicated though in apartments because you're dealing with a manager or owner and not just a cop.

Stay well and I hope you can work through your sleep/dog issue!

I wish the dog would disappear too, its just part of a bigger intimidation campaign against me.
I used to go the woods at night to get away from the noise for a while, broke my ankle walking in the dark.
Their previous dog died after 12 years, it barked too, and I thought I would get peace, but they got another,
it was so bad it attacked someone in their yard, took a lump out, they shot that one, and replaced it with another.
They throw their grass cutting over the fence onto my property, blocked my drains, have not been able to use my
kitchen sink for ten years.
Their children call me names too, to the extent I have not been in my yard in the same 10 years. It all started when
the man got married, I was talking to him on my property and his wife sent a note out with his todler, he read it and immediately
excused himself, after that all the rest of the intimidation began, its the woman, their family did the same where she was reared,
but anyone who follows those who put them up to no good is just as responsible. Before she came, the neighborhood was silent
and peaceful. But they have money, and everyone around is on the same hym sheet as them, living above their means looking down
at me. Thank God for God, I will keep doing what is right, they will answer for their deeds when the man comes calling, (Johny Cash).
Yep....neighbors can suck.......I've always lived out by myself mostly.....nobody closer then 1/2 mile....shoot and do whatever without worry. Now I ended up taking over my parents house which was one of the first it's grown into a neighborhood.....there are four houses that go back and we are all friendly but the newbies are not at all friendly to us. I get a little tense now and then. The downhill neighbors are JWs......young couple with kids.....never wave or say "Hi"....just odd around here...even if we don't see eye to eye we all do the usual rites of being civil. Tried to be friendly when they came into the neighborhood.....nope....Oh well....I can and are rather standoffish I just let it go. I can understand not wanting to be social.........but when you move into a situation where you and your neighbors are feet apart....common practice would be to integrate as much as comfortable, especially in such a rural setting. Gawd if they think we're heathens they should have caught my act a decade ago.........even so .....perhaps by the end of the summer I'll back down in front of their house and do a major burn out with the modded 96 inch Fat Boy......just to reinforce their opinion........I have 5 big bikes in the cellar that they have never I haven't been on the road for a while. After the shoulder replacement....The neighborhood is going to get a bit louder....I'll wager....
Yep....neighbors can suck.......I've always lived out by myself mostly.....nobody closer then 1/2 mile....shoot and do whatever without worry. Now I ended up taking over my parents house which was one of the first it's grown into a neighborhood.....there are four houses that go back and we are all friendly but the newbies are not at all friendly to us. I get a little tense now and then. The downhill neighbors are JWs......young couple with kids.....never wave or say "Hi"....just odd around here...even if we don't see eye to eye we all do the usual rites of being civil. Tried to be friendly when they came into the neighborhood.....nope....Oh well....I can and are rather standoffish I just let it go. I can understand not wanting to be social.........but when you move into a situation where you and your neighbors are feet apart....common practice would be to integrate as much as comfortable, especially in such a rural setting. Gawd if they think we're heathens they should have caught my act a decade ago.........even so .....perhaps by the end of the summer I'll back down in front of their house and do a major burn out with the modded 96 inch Fat Boy......just to reinforce their opinion........I have 5 big bikes in the cellar that they have never I haven't been on the road for a while. After the shoulder replacement....The neighborhood is going to get a bit louder....I'll wager....
Yeah I’m the black sheep on my cul de sac. My truck is not “green” not quiet either, 84 GMC c3500 small block with Hooker headers, weiand street warrior intake, 1.6:1 engine pro roller rockers with an SM465 4spd that winds up quick. Plus the saws, tractor other power tools. But my house is tidy, grass is green. I have a good relationship with most of my neighbors. I mow 4 lawns on the street and do aeration and fertilizer to a few more. There’s a few who have ignored me when I waved (once only I’m no fool). I see their signs on their yards, I don’t broadcast my opinions but maybe they can figure it out.
Funny thing about neighborhoods and how they are all unique. My last neighborhood was something out of Mayberry RFD. Then I move like three miles away and it's totally different...most everyone is into sense of community. It's a dead end street in the county which is a plus. A cop lives down at the end of the street and he's as standoffish as anyone could possibly be. Probably doesn't want to be friends with anyone and have potential drama. But the house across from him sold and there's a steady stream of traffic down there day and night that is very suspicious. I'm gonna laugh my butt off if it turns out to be a drug house.....right across from the!

Kevin neighbors on the uphill side have all been young folks...(several sets) and though they pretty much behave themselves they are all rather dim when it comes to real life stuff. We live on the side of a mountain and our houses are on the down hill side of the road so their driveway and mine are uphill from the get go. All of our winter vehicles are AWD or 4WD and we park headed out when there's snow in the forecast. They never seem to get it.....everyone of them just park where ever and then spend hours spinning their wheels trying to get out with 4" of fresh snow on the ground. When this started occurring my wife said "Will you please go over and tow them out".......I said "No.....If I pull them out once, I'll have to tow them out every storm" Though the vehicles and faces change they all still spend hours whizzing and whirring and then stand there in the snow smoking cigarettes under their hoodies, looking at their autos like a fish looks at a submarine.....not a thought in their little heads about how to get around this problem other than burning more gasoline and heading out, NOT in.....buying a shovel.....and or heading down to the town pit (1/8 mile away) and get a couple free buckets of salt sand......ummmm I don't know ......the possibilities are easy for an old fella to see.....guess they gotta get old before they figure it out. Will venture they offer much ,more humor to the neighborhood than the sour, unfriendly religious folks on the downhill side....Meh.....I was here first...., they don't gotta get old to figure it out, they're just clueless and their parents had to be too. It's not that Gen Z's and Millennial's are stupid....they were just left alone to play video games and not taught any real world skills. All ya have to do is talk to them about their's amazing they get as far as they do.

The house just next to me sold. The single young gal that bought it is some kinda nurse. We had about 14" of snow here. We park in the back and use the alley. I've pioneered a road back there in the snow, but there's still a lot of high center type stuff. Like Robin said, all she had to do was back in and point out....she would have been fine.

I heard a lot of conversation the other night and spinning tires. I go over there and her mother is there and a highly defensive mamma bear she is. I go get a shovel because her daughter is high centered in the middle of the alley road. Mother is trying to push the snow out from under the car with a long 2x4. Some late model generic 'bubble car' with about 4" of ground clearance and hwy tires. I shovel the front out in a few minutes and ask them to get another stud to help me push the car forward. Pretty soon some tall, lanky drink of water shows up. I tell her to drive forward and we push her back to where she was parked, easily. Mom only, thanks me and I head back to the house. Tall drink of water says nothing but they all thank him profusely like it was his idea and effort.

I have a neighbor at the beginning of the street that burns a lot of wood. When I cut this ancient Maple down in my yard I was selling it as cord wood. That tree yielded over 16 cords.....I actually lost count it yielded so much. I sold most of it after it seasoned almost two yrs. That neighbor gets little lots of wood in his trailer throughout the yr and it's not great looking stuff....probably from local orchards. Here he had a chance to get some beautiful, seasoned Maple and he didn't buy a stick........and I was low on my pricing. Go figure......maybe he was waiting for me to offer to rick it free too. But, I don't go to his church

Could someone post a pic or have a part number of the AV limiter for a 910 that Jonsered had available for the saw to combat the AV problem ?
I'm curious what it looks like or try to possibly find one .
Here 'tis! Was obviously a Tilton geared update.



  • 910  handle limiter.jpg
    910 handle limiter.jpg
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  • 910 Limiter.jpg
    910 Limiter.jpg
    65.6 KB
Truly - welcome to the Jonsereds thread. Unfortunately, you have to read the ENTIRE thread before you're allowed to post. Skimming is not allowed. See you in a few months! ;) Just kidding, of course. Sounds like your friend and his FIL could use a bit of basic instruction!
Well, I am about half way thru, made it to page 260.
I have enjoyed this thread a lot. I have read some of the other brand specific threads and have to say that the J'reds crowd rocks. So much history, great photos, the pictures of the old brochures. Learning new words: "unobtanium"!
I was on pins and needles for 30 pages after Robin got his 111 but it was not listed in the sig line. Worried that some how it turned out to be no good. (then I learned about the site issue with sig lines).
Thanks to everyone for the great curation of this thread. The internet can be so full of junk some days and this thread is a bright spot.
I do have that rim sprocket ordered from LRB. It has been over three weeks and it has not come in. I called them two weeks in and they said it was a back order. SAWR has them and I may just call LRB and cancel the entire order. Get it thru SAWR. Or Ebay.
Yeah I’m the black sheep on my cul de sac. My truck is not “green” not quiet either, 84 GMC c3500 small block with Hooker headers, weiand street warrior intake, 1.6:1 engine pro roller rockers with an SM465 4spd that winds up quick. Plus the saws, tractor other power tools. But my house is tidy, grass is green. I have a good relationship with most of my neighbors. I mow 4 lawns on the street and do aeration and fertilizer to a few more. There’s a few who have ignored me when I waved (once only I’m no fool). I see their signs on their yards, I don’t broadcast my opinions but maybe they can figure it out.

I have several dozen saws in the garage, along with a '69 Bronco and a '68 GTO convt. Have a '68 Bronco project in the driveway and just sold a fairly rough '72 Bronco that was in the driveway, too. But I'm not the black sheep on my cul-de-sac. Next door neighbor is more of a late model kind of guy, BMWs and such, but he's had musclecars in the past, and he just sold his Harley. Neighbor on the other side is a Shivverlay fan, mostly older Corvettes, but has a late model Challenger in the garage. I'm the only one with more than 1 or 2 saws, but they don't seem to mind when I have them out in the driveway tuning them up.