're not the first guy to have that problem with the top cover. The 670 Champ (or Super II) came after the case change that allowed the one piece ign. All earier saws of this family, both Husky and Jred, had the two piece ign. The flywheel side case change began with the 268XP in 1987 but Jred didn't catch up until like......1992 or 93. When they changed the case half they also repositioned the front left cover screw. When looking at these saws to figure out what time frame they are from I always look at where that front cover screw is located in relation to the front upper recoil cover screw just below it......the recoils are all the same for early or late but the top cover screw is located forward of the recoil screw on the early models and aft of the recoil screw on the late ones. Of course, if the cover is not on the saw that bit info is not that helpful.
Then you got this crap. I learned the part number of the part I needed for my clutch cover was the same in the 96 IPL and 99 IPL. So I bought the part NOS from 99 IPL but it was to short for my clutch cover from the 96 IPL.
Then when I start comparing you can see it right in the IPL's.
Why they didnt supersede or least change the part numbers blows me away.