Just for giggles

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Oh,moral shmorel.........Git that money Tom.If that guy doesn't want to figure it out for himself then by god charge em':cheers:

Well I admit sometimes not all goes so well. Had a fellow call me a week ago on buying not one unit but two. Course he is doing this to hammer me for a discount. I discounted both units low as I could. He came in today to pick them up. I gave him the prices we agreed on and now he wants more. He wants free mix oil and free trimmer line on top of the discounted units. I told him no way, you got all your gonna get, take that money you saved and buy those items. You would have thought I hit him with a sledge hammer. Sometimes you just can't give em enuff. Thats when ole daddy has his fill and drops that bomb no one likes to hear, that two letter bomb of NO. Man that little word really tears em up...
What do you do if he does'nt come back, maybe he's reading your post:)

Not likely. He'll show up. Hell when he does I'll show him this thread, he'll get a kick out of it. If he had a tuff time starting that Husky wait till he finds out how touchy that 361 is to start, he'll be back real soon,hahahaha
He told the guy $50 he agreed, what's the problem??

Oh ya, and lawyers have great moral's and integrity right?? haha. slime of the earth!!!

Easy now, Space is just trying to get one over on me like he always does and like always he doesn't,LOL
Next thing you know, you'll be charging $120 an hour and asking for a steak dinner. Damn, you are like a lawyer! :)

Well think about it Space, least I don't reach over and start the clock when someone calls wanting to know something,hahaha
Easy now, Space is just trying to get one over on me like he always does and like always he doesn't,LOL

Well think about it Space, least I don't reach over and start the clock when someone calls wanting to know something,hahaha

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Ya, I guess space is just digging, just like they do, probably out chasing ambulances too.
Well think about it Space, least I don't reach over and start the clock when someone calls wanting to know something,hahaha

Well, if you had a face like this, you would. :cheers:

It would be fun to leave about a dozen junk chains to be sharpened and then never pick them up. :)

No can do. If they junk they don't get left. I make sure of that. I check each one hoping they are junk. I catch alotta slack about that. I hear whatcha mean it isn't fit to sharpen. I always say it means what I said. Then its you always say that, I go yup. I got no patience for chains, buy a new one or wait a week or two or three. Chains are dead last on my to do list. I just don't like standing still doing chains. Boring, no fun, to hell wit em..
if he dont show ill give ya $70 plus shipping for that 310

Nope, the bill is 50.00. If he doesn't come get it or pay his bill on it, you pay his bill and shipping, no more.

Now if the tables were turned and Space had it sitting there with 50.00 worth of time in it he would want the 50.00, another 25.00 for being on the phone getting your address and CC info, another 25.00 to box it, another 25.00 to do the UPS info and another 25.00 to hand it the UPS man. He would probly call you and tell you its on the way and charge 25.00 for that too. Thats the differance between Space and me, :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
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Nope, the bill is 50.00. If he doesn't come get it or pay his bill on it, you pay his bill and shipping, no more.

Now if the tables were turned and Space had it sitting there with 50.00 worth of time in it he would want the 50.00, another 25.00 for being on the phone getting your address and CC info, another 25.00 to box it, another 25.00 to do the UPS info and another 25.00 to hand it the UPS man. He would probly call you and tell you its on the way and charge 25.00 for that too. Thats the differance between Sapce and me, :hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

Itemize all that? Hell no!! That's too much trouble. I'd save us both a bunch of time and charge a flat $300. :)
Hey Space this one is for you

Wednesday a lady brings in her husbands little MS250 chainsaw. Runs but won't rev up is the complaint. I check the fuel hose, filter and fuel real quick, all good. I crank it up and know right away the carb is shot. I tell the lady the carb is about 65.00 for that thing. She says fix it.

I put on a new carb, saw runs perfecto. Looking it over I see the bar is completely shot as well as the chain. I mean worn beyond belief. I take both off and save them. I put a new bar and chain on. My labor for whole deal is 33.75, 3/4 of a hour.

Next day her hubby comes in to get the saw, he has the ticket stub she gave him. On the stub he had written 65.00. He goes I'm here to get my saw, I hear it costs 65.00. I go you heard wrong. He goes oh no, my wife was told 65.00. I go oh no, your wife was told a new carb cost about 65.00, do you think it was going to jump out the box and install itself on your saw?
He gives me the ut oh look. I go get his saw and the bad bar and chain. I go not only was the carb bad but so is your bar and chain. He looks at the parts and goes oh ok. I hand him his 175.00 bill and say here's your 65.00 bill, you have a good day now ya hear.

Why would I do such a thing, the man is a retired lawyer,LOLOLOL