Just when you think you have narrowed your saw purchase down!!!

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Cheaper stihls are POS???

I don't agree with this, Yes partly because I own a ms250 but I have used husky 350, 55 rancher along with a stihl 026 and jonsered 2152 and the stihl ms250 is not at all lacking in power, cutting speed, vibration,as far as these saws for the $$$. I think a solid engine and sharp chain make for a good saw. You "PRO'S" are quick to badmouth the homeowner saws because of the non magnesium case or vibe springs. That is where the extra cost is. The smaller stihls, huskys do have decent engines and parts for the part time homeowner. I am not saying for him to buy a cheaper stihl or husky but to bash a certain saw I dont agree with.
I don't agree with this, Yes partly because I own a ms250 but I have used husky 350, 55 rancher along with a stihl 026 and jonsered 2152 and the stihl ms250 is not at all lacking in power, cutting speed, vibration,as far as these saws for the $$$. I think a solid engine and sharp chain make for a good saw. You "PRO'S" are quick to badmouth the homeowner saws because of the non magnesium case or vibe springs. That is where the extra cost is. The smaller stihls, huskys do have decent engines and parts for the part time homeowner. I am not saying for him to buy a cheaper stihl or husky but to bash a certain saw I dont agree with.

Goos post. Many of the saws listed in this thread are good saws. Alot of people here get carried away with the specs on paper...
Don't have a bad word to say about the 250, never run one, I have run a 280, and an 026, I'll take a 350 over either one!!! Can't wait to run the 5100!!
I had a 390 for a while, nice saw, I just needed more and ran a pro Husky of the same size, it was over after that for me!!
[COLOR="Red"MS][B][COLOR="Red"]MS250 is POS:deadhorse: [/COLOR][/B][/COLOR] - laud enough??????:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
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[COLOR="Red"MS]250 is POS[/COLOR] - laud enough??????:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:[/QUOTE]

Move your brackets. no quotes needed around the [ color = red ]

[quote="SawTroll, post: 564063"]MS250 is POS - laud enough??????:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
Ohhhhh so close, almost had a thread without the mention of a 5100s.:D

2 pulls choked then one on half choke she fires up blip the throttle set her down.

That’s pretty much the starting sequence for every Stihl I've ever owned.

I have one of those smaller, lesser, miserable, little, cold natured, plastic, junk, POS saws (021) down in the garage. Has cut "a few" (meaning many) limbs in the last eight years, hasn’t had a new plug in probably 2 years, and I'm sure it has a dirty filter. Its about 40 degrees outside right now and the saw hasn’t been started in about 2 month's. I would be willing to wager a Franklin that it would be purring like a little kitten within 4 pulls.

Bad news always travels faster than good. If 300 people eat in a restaurant and get a great meal maybe 1 person will hear about it, but if 1 person gets a bad meal 300 people will hear about it.

Don’t let a few bad responses deter you from getting a great “little” saw, if the MS180 runs anything like my 021 (and I’m sure it will) you’ll be happy with it for your application. No its not a “Pro” model saw, and if I were doing the work you’re doing I would opt for the MS260 (yes I have one of those too so I’m speaking from experience) but you sound like you’ve done your homework and understand the limitations of the smaller saws. The MS180 will do what you want well it just won’t do it fast.

You’ll notice that I haven’t said anything for or against the Echos. I’ve heard their great saws, but I’ve never owned one so I don’t feel qualified to comment. I’ll leave that to the folks who are.

**** - just buy the MS361, and be happy ever after.......:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

(haven't read much of the tread)
Troll what you drinking???? Pass it around I want some....


Just ordinary beer, Tuborg - but I am a bit PO'ed today.......:yoyo: :yoyo:

I get shaky when people indicate that the MS 250 is an OK saw......:blob2: :blob2: - it isn't - cuts about halv as fast as the Husky 353, and with lots more vibes......:ices_rofl: :ices_rofl:
I know people that run the Echo's and like them, my only complaint is they feel like toys to me. I was looking at the top handle saws and was afraid I would break the brake handle just engaging it?
its a snowball thing here andy. the man asks about saws in the 30cc range, so someone throws out a 50cc saw, then the 361 gets thrown in, then the price factor goes in, so for the price of a 361, he can buy a 7900, now he's getting advice on 80cc saws. but all the man wants is a 30cc saw for light work.
imo, people here need to learn to read and answer what a man asks about, and stop throwing out agendas. for someone relatively new to saws, there's a lot to learn without throwing out numbers that he doesn't need, or even want
not you personally andy, just been noticing a trend here.

Agree 100% Ralph, were not talking about Felling, limbing, bucking, and splitting 6 cords a year. He's just using the saw to cut already delivered wood into pieces that will fit his needs. People throw the word "Homeowner Saw" around like it’s a bad thing. That’s what this man is a "Homeowner" like myself he's not cutting to make money, he's cutting to save money. He's not using this saw everyday for production cutting, and really just wants a small "Homeowner" saw.

He is not yet afflicted with the disease and doesn’t really want the latest makitamar/jonsuvarna MS3000. Just wants some solid advise on a small saw to process 8" sticks of firewood.
I know people that run the Echo's and like them, my only complaint is they feel like toys to me. I was looking at the top handle saws and was afraid I would break the brake handle just engaging it?
As far as I know, they are just that - toys.......
:deadhorse: :deadhorse:
Agree 100% Ralph, were not talking about Felling, limbing, bucking, and splitting 6 cords a year. He's just using the saw to cut already delivered wood into pieces that will fit his needs. People throw the word "Homeowner Saw" around like it’s a bad thing. That’s what this man is a "Homeowner" like myself he's not cutting to make money, he's cutting to save money. He's not using this saw everyday for production cutting, and really just wants a small "Homeowner" saw.

He is not yet afflicted with the disease and doesn’t really want the latest makitamar/jonsuvarna MS3000. Just wants some solid advise on a small saw to process 8" sticks of firewood.

I have reread, and reread, I cannot see where he stated 8" peices of wood? I found 3-4' lengths and odd shaped peices. IF that is what he is cutting, then a 170/180 is ok. But I have a feeling they may be a little larger?
If he's not in a hurry, he could get a bow saw at Lowes for around $20. That small enough?
X4, or the pro quality 353 for a few buchs more.......

The cheaper Stihls are no-go imo, the MS250 is POS, and then what about the cheaper ones......:biggrinbounce2: :biggrinbounce2:

I really don't understand what some folks here have against the MS250! Mine has been a damn good saw and I have no complaints with it at all. It starts easily, runs good and has plenty of power for my needs. Mine has a 16" bar running RS chain, and it rips right thru elm up to length of the bar with no trouble at all. Have not had a moment's grief with it. I'd have no problem recommending it to a friend!