Most split wood is around 8" I'm sure some might be 10" but then again some might be 6" maybe even 4". Eight seemed like a nice round number to get my point across, apparently it went over.
Is that a MIG29????? (rusty hunk of stihl) .....
Howdy Sawtroll,
Looks like an F-15.
Most split wood is around 8" I'm sure some might be 10" but then again some might be 6" maybe even 4". Eight seemed like a nice round number to get my point across, apparently it went over.
I posted before but something happened. I have made my choice and am going with the Stihl MS 180 C. The pieces I get to cut up are usually between 2" to 8" in diameter. I looked at both the Echo 305 and the Stihl and the Stihl just felt better to me. Also my Stihl dealer started up a "cold" 180 in front of me and it took 4 pulls to sputter and 1 to fire off. I can live with that many pulls. Also the Echo 5 year warranty is on ignition only and not the whole saw. When I get my new Stihl I will post about how it works for me. Thank You to all who have helped me out. Take Care. Cord Cutter.
I have made my choice and am going with the Stihl MS 180 C
Howdy Sawtroll,
Looks like an F-15.
to me too. the fulcrum is a much more beautiful plane than that pic!!
I have made my choice and am going with the Stihl MS 180 C.