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No harm in leaving existing outlet. Yes, you can clean the muffler screen with a brush, but if it's welded in it's not easy to replace without cutting and redoing the work.
looks like the port is blowing right on the cutter handThis is my version of the double-barrel mod shown in the beginning of the thread. It is for my Makita 6400/7900BB project.
I call this muff "Shrek". Do I need to explain farther? :hmm3grin2orange:
On the saw:
I got my muffler mod done last night. The saw is a Jonsered 630 I left the existing port in the muffler and added this 5/8" dia hole. I ran it in some small stuff last night but can't wait till this weekend to put it in some bigger stuff to see if it made much difference.
looks like the port is blowing right on the cutter hand
ok to be honest I haven't looked to find spark aresting mesh..thought it would be easier just to ask the people that know what they are doin...so..where do you find this stuff???
so I can put a pipe on it. I went with a 3/4" conduit coupler.
LOOKS GR8!!! what'd you use for screen?
Neither... drilled holes are round; you read the thread and it will tell you to trace around the angled pipe - a weighted oval....