land clearing with husqvarna 365sp & 440xtorq

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Heck I didn't even know you had trees in Irland.....LOL

Using a 365 for cutting cookies...really?

I go out to the garage and start my saws up just to smell the fumes....Love that 2 cycle smell. I quit using hand saws just to get the smell, not because chain saws are easier.....LOL.......:hmm3grin2orange:

I dunno what hours Logger puts in, but spending 5 days a week, for 6-8 hours a day hunched over a chainsaw and you learn to appreciate the cleaner burning ones.
I dunno what hours Logger puts in, but spending 5 days a week, for 6-8 hours a day hunched over a chainsaw and you learn to appreciate the cleaner burning ones.

exactly,a man has only got one set of lungs so he may aswell take care of them!
ok readers of this thread,thanks for the paitence so far with all the 'small stuff' i have been cutting,well there has already been some large trees and i have pretty much only started,so far we have bought back maybe 20 traliers of firewood and half of that is sold already so it already has been quite profitable work,not to mention relaxed and enjoyable.

anyway,as i have mentioned i will be moving in to the large woodland aera soon,i will have a lot of work to get in there as a long roadway needs to be cleared,i will do it all manually as there is no time limit here,i am doing this work at my own pace fitting it in with another job right now,i am here maybe only 3 days in the week so you can understand there really isn't any panic,it all started with me simply looking for some nice firewood for myself and now that i have a lot of demand i am obviously cutting more and more to sell also as another sort of sideline job.

so be paitent and stay tuned for the larger trees and some amazing scenery to come soon,remember this thread won't be an overnight thing,it may go on for a numer of years :msp_thumbup:

some updates from today,a few more small trees taken out of the way,just spent two hours here today.
i stopped counting the days now here so it's just an update as i go procedure.

if you are a paitent person with time on your hands and in no hurry like me then you will enjoy the updates along the way
as i say i am my own boss here and there really is no hurry here.

i really can't wait though to get in to the larger trees,they will be well worth the wait!

some of these trees here may seem small but believe me some of the MOST desirable firewood in ireland
at the moment "whitethorn" it is incredible firewood and can be burned fresh pretty much!







like i say this is no rushed job,all trees are as valuable as the next big and small all will be cut,when i move in to the main woodland ahead
you will see that i am not talking crap,it is quite large and for sure i will have a life time of wood there! :msp_thumbup:

at the moment we are also doing up an old tractor fordson dexta,this is an antique and had just been resprayed too,i will shoot up some pics over the weekend,we are in the process of doing some jobs to get it running good,i will use it here too with a larger tralier when i move in to the woods,my father will help me out too then from time to time,as of now my missus and small boy of 6 years both help me out here everyday,i am never working here alone,and thats a good thing!

some updates from today,before we cut any more trees we decided to get all our cut trees out and home,
result- a fine load of great wood!

it was a lovely day but ground soaked from last few days of rain.







where i cut at the deppo is our own land,my home is only two miles from here,the house in the pic is my brothers he just built last year.this place where i cut here is a site we own and we must take away and dispose of all the rubbish now which is building up,we demolished a house for a person last year remains of fire damage,so we had to bring all the crap here,i will bury it soon with the 360 track machine. place is also water logged right now,surprising too cause we are up high on a mountain 1100ft above sea level to be precise! :D
365sp looking good,as i said i think you'd be mad to change for a softer newer saw!!
how is the economy?

ohh hello all,been a long time sinse i updated here,sort of forgot about taking camera until today! well the weather at the moment is fantastic,it is really sunny and warm,think we could be getting an early summer,the temps are up around 14 degrees and sunny which is good for this time of year here,the land has dryed up dramaticly with us been able to go to a new entrance to get to the BIG WOODLAND faster.
anyway today we cut down a large ASH tree and the day went super! some lovely wood in it.
here in ireland we also sell these to make hurleys (don't know if you have heard of the famous irish game,hurling! ) :msp_biggrin:

here is a slideshow to make things a little faster than uploading tonns of pics.

so far lately we have been cutting sycamore,chestnut,ash,blackthorn,whitethorn and some willow

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the large ash tree i cut i didn't have my wedges with me of sledge today i left them in another job so i had to use a differnt style hinge cut to push the tree in the falling direction,totally wouldn't reccomend this type of cutting,it is dangerous and don't do it,i usually use my wedges and gear to saftly take trees down. this tree also had a high degree of lean so it was a straight forward gravity fall.