And pubs on a Saturday morning:
What are you trying to say ?
And pubs on a Saturday morning:
Very interesting thread, thanks for taking the time to post about your adventures. Makes a guy appreciate what he has at hand. Some of the differences are eye and mind opening. I did a lil wikipedia and google searching going through your pages to see just what I was looking at.
If the oregon chainsaw pants are too hot, then get a set of chaps. Looking at you cutting in sweatpants makes me twitch. Like watching a kid fall on concrete, you know its going to hurt eventually. yes, good point,i am in the process of buying new work wear from husqvarna which are both strong and very light.
Working in that mud must be tough. You say you are selling wood all the time, but I would have to think about doing the cutting now, and waiting til it dries up, whatever that means there, and then trucking out all the wood at once. yep again a good observation from you,most of the people here stock up them selves for winter this time of year,in fact all year round they phone people like me and buy the wood and season it themselves,as you know anyway ASH firewood and what i have here burns great anyway and does not need to be seasoned.
Do you mix your gas and oil in advance, or always pour in the gas and then pour in the oil into the tank? You won't get accurate measurements and your paper cup is going to wear out or collect dirt eventually.
of course i always mix minimum 5liters at a time in a gerry can with 100mill of husqvarna oil,always more accurate.
Just FYI for us guys here, the land mass of Ireland is 31,520 square miles, or about the size of South Carolina. Michigan is 3 times as large as the whole country of Ireland, and we have the same population. The population density is 190 people per square mile, or what we would call the suburbs. Roughly 50% of the population live in the cities. Total population is 6.1 million. It is considered the most de-forested country in Europe. For comparison, the US population is 313 million, and 82% of the population live in the cities.
yes america is just massive compared to our small island
What we consider brush and leave out in the woods or burn as scraps, you are hauling in and selling as firewood. Just about anything under 4" diameter gets left behind by most wood cutters. Its a big difference, but I can see why you would be hauling it in, if people need it to burn and there is nothing else, you have to put it to use.
well if you saw along the way most of what i am cutting so far is small trees and mainly clearing a way to the main forest ahead,i mentioned some where along the way that in the center of this farm lies the ruins of an old house,around here is a huge woodland of ASH and douglas fir (maybe scots pine) later here i will be working on very large trees,some of the largest in ireland in fact
no point leaving these behind either,it's all good wood!
I am curious, do you have public lands there? We have vast amounts, millions of acres of lands set aside and open to the public. You can camp or explore at leisure, and cut wood on many of the lands with a simple permit. I am guessing that most everything there is private property, and you would have to be fairly wealthy to own land.
yes there is a lot of public land here it's not all private,but any public land is belong to either the council,forest companies,or government,but yes there is a lot of public land too,but as you say 60% is privatly owned.
Thanks again for posting up and good luck with your cutting. Its been a pleasure seeing another part of the world, through a common interest of a chainsaw.
small update here:
ok so i have mentioned that my now 9 month old 365special which i am delighted with,well i was talking about trading it towards a 560xp xtorq, well now i can say with confidense and after the shop owner clairfying it to me that this saw can only take a 20" bar and chain,i'm afraid this is no good to me because i will be felling some very large trees and my 365 is a powerhouse and pulls the 24" with athority, the 365special can take a 28" bar and chain, so i have decided to wait till sepetember this year for the 562xp to hit the market here then i may upgrade to that as it can take the 24" B/C.
so for now i will continue to work with my much loved 365special. who knows i may even keep it!!
yeah of course all excellent saws,unfortunatly i have never tried any but i can only imagine how good they are.
thing is the 365 is more than i would ever need in terms of size,only reason i am going for one of the newer xtorq 562xp is that they are more economical and more envoirmently friendly and less fumes around me when i am working.
other than that i would mpost deffo keep the 365sp
Is your 2 cycle mix that foul smelling? Why not buy some US 2 cycle via ebay or the web and try that out?
no it's fine only i don't like the smell of the saws in general,not good for the health when you are around them a lot.
my saws are ran on 100mill to 5 liters on the husky oil,that is the husqvarna reccomendation so the mix is actually quite
lean,the 365 just produces a lot of exhaust gases anyway,it's just me really and i like to be around less fumes.
seems in ireland and uk at the moment people are gone this way with outdoor 2cycle machinery,sort of gone health concious,i think maybe in the states regulations maybe not as bad and the health aspect of chainsaws not considered as much,it's just
from what i have seen here too not many want nor care to wear in ireland even the home owner now uses
aspen fuel,i still use the petrol pump mix as it's cheaper.
they say the new xp range is up to 20% more fuel efficent which is quite impressive!
Just FYI for us guys here, the land mass of Ireland is 31,520 square miles, or about the size of South Carolina. Michigan is 3 times as large as the whole country of Ireland, and we have the same population. The population density is 190 people per square mile, or what we would call the suburbs. Roughly 50% of the population live in the cities. Total population is 6.1 million. It is considered the most de-forested country in Europe. For comparison, the US population is 313 million, and 82% of the population live in the cities.