yeah ireland is lovely this time of year it's so green,there is a lot of wood here now in this forest,they seem to be doing a lot of harvesting around here now.for the last 3 years almost every forest i see is been harvested,the coilte forest operation here in ireland is very economical and regenerative,almost as soon as they cut 1000acers another 1000 has regrown in other locations.
it's sitka spruce grown here mostly and norway spruce,i love this wood and cut and sell a lot of it,i love the smell,it's scented like a perfume and it burns well when seasoned!! easy on chainsaws and very plentyfull in supply.
unfortunatly demand for FIR/spruce is NOT so high here,but sells never the less,i have two large douglas FIR to take down soon also,should keep me in supply for a while
i don't know if it's a popular wood in the states or not??