land clearing with husqvarna 365sp & 440xtorq

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intresting question lads,the answer is YES red squirrel been the only species i know of,they are very common in woodland aeras but mainly more reserved woodlands,in parks where the trees are conserved etc.

locally i wouldn't think many would be found,however deer are common here even locally in the forests and roam wild.
funny though you mention the red squirrel,about a month ago i saw one crossing the road very locally just in my local countryside near home,he was crossing the road in to another part of the forest,so YES i assume they do roam wild here but maybe locally not so many.

I know my question sounded very ignorant but having never been there I was curious. Florida is LOADED with squirrels and it seems like there is a nest in half the trees here.

I was instructed in my felling courses in Ireland to not remove trees with nesting birds or squirrels or whatever in them. Ireland does not have near the forest densities we have in our forested areas. So they are beginning to value arboricultural conservation more and more these days.

However, the preaching is often much different than the practice...

Some of the wildlife we have and Europe have are the result of imports. They grabbed some interesting animals here and brought some with them. So we share a few of them. As an american, the oddest thing I ever saw was a hedgehog slowly crossing the road from hedge to hedge in front of me while I was in Dorset last fall.
Thats why I thought it was funny when he said he saw a squirrel cross the road. Here its a virtual obstacle course. In Florida between squirrels and armadilllos we keep the vultures well fed!
good find there wyk

so i am back in the woods again,started yesterday,so now we have marked out another section of trees,one included this time is one of those large FIR,i need some fir badly because i am actually all out of it and have some customers looking for it all the time,this first fir tree i will be cutting is huge,should be a nice amount of wood in it. cut around 6 ash trees yesterday and bought home two large loads,we had some work in them though as these paticular trees are in off the road and require some handling when cut.
but no hurry here so all in a days work ;)

will get some pics soon and maybe a new vid of that large FIR
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been a busy day today,needed to clear a lot of ASH trees which were very tall and strong,they is some fantastic firewood in these,they are young enough maybe 15years old and around 13" diamater,as i say very tall,these are the smallest ones here,the rest as you progress in to the woods are much larger,at one side there is another entrance in and we got lucky with a very large ASH tree which has been down for a number of years but had started to continue to grow along the ground,i started work on this this evening and there is quite a lot of wood in it,i just need to finish it now in the morning but it is tricky cause it's lying on the ground....

hard on chains cutting on the ground,i had to sharpen my 365 chain today and now need to again,i keep hitting the soil,the tree laying on the ground is huge.

i might go for the large scots pine here tomorrow i will see.... no hurry with it.still and all may drop it tomorrow.
i could do with some softwood too.

where it's at now...
some changes since we were here last,place is gone lovely n green! :)



dropping all the light clutter out the way to make room for the large ones to fall





this one was sort of rotton at the bottom,was blocking the entrance,it was just a quick cut to drop it wasn't worried about how clean it fell to be honest,but the rest of the tree is perfect and will be fine.

this was surprisingly brittle at the bottom,before i had a chance to tidy things up it cracked and broke away.
don't matter,it's all going to be burned! :)


that large scots pine


going to be a lot of work in this




the work is tough right now,very warm and clammy,lot of little insects flying around that bite and make you very itchy (midges) they are called here.they litterly attack by the millions.however they are bearable and won't harm you only make you itchy when they bite,they are tiny like a small mosquito.

the place will be far easier to work in now when all the small brush is cleared to make way for the biggies.

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some updates,got a few more nice loads of ash,must give it a break now for a few days,maybe until friday cause the owner has put in a few stallions to service the mares and they are very aggresive,wouldn't want to be around them,they will be taken out again friday so i can work away again,i myself am not afraid of stallions but the owner insists there two are dangerous and it's safer to wait maybe for the veichles sake even :)



need to give these lads a little space to do there thing for a few days,or the stallions may get angry with me,two of them are stone wild so it's safer to be out of here until the weekend. two stallions not in pic here,gone running around the mountain someplace....

the horse with the blonde maine is a fantastic animal,the land owner keeps a lot of horses.

need to give these lads a little space to do there thing for a few days,or the stallions may get angry with me,two of them are stone wild so it's safer to be out of here until the weekend. two stallions not in pic here,gone running around the mountain someplace....

the horse with the blonde maine is a fantastic animal,the land owner keeps a lot of horses.


Ayuh, beautiful animals. I grew up around horses, enjoyed riding and working with them. The land owner is right, for your safety it's best to stay clear while the stallions "take care of business". They can be very "protective" of the mares and if they see you as a threat in any way they will "run you down". :msp_ohmy: Please keep those fantastic pictures coming, THANKS! :msp_thumbup:
Work safe. :msp_thumbsup:
NH local,thanks for the great post,not too well up in horses!! i wasn't so sure when the owner told me that they would be aggresive but i decided to stay clear for a few days anyway to be safer.

thanks again.

(sorry about camera lense issue,i will be upgrading that soon in due course,i sent it away but was costing too much to repair so need to make do with it for now,it's an inner screen problem) i know another person who can look at it and maybe clean it,will see)
well done logger,good work,the weather had been very difficut in recent weeks here at home......must be a pain to work around it,typical of good old eire.

when i logged in i see a post from a joseph291 showing up as last post,but can't see his post,maybe he is new....
well it's been some time since i updated here,i have a lot of news,we are still working away the occasional day but the weather is horrible here since march,rain rain rain...... for instance last week we only had two days in the woods,the ground is just soaked,it is no problem to get in but the land is just not fit to walk on,you would slip easily and it is dangerous in the wet.

anyway,unfortunately i don't have any pics as our last digital camera broke,the screen cracked on it,maybe it was a good thing cause there was a fault in it with a smudged screen,over time something made it's way inside it and it was costing too much to repair.
anyway the good news is we are in the market soon for a new camera,something better,it will be very high quality with a much better optical zoom.

so what have we been up to since?
well as mentioned we gave the woods a break as a lot of birds and foul have been hatching and it is better always to follow with the rules of the envorinment.the landowner has rules to follow with the envoirnment and we are not going to break them.

the wood we bought home since we started in january is selling away fast,it was one of the busiest years to date for wood sales here,out of all the wood we bought home it is dissappearing fast now,we have been busy cutting it up and getting it ready,last week we cut up some FIR poles that have been lying on the ground for over a year,ohh boy they were hard,maybe harder to cut than most hardwood we bought home :msp_ohmy: reason been they have been drying out for a long time and the longer you let it sit the harder it gets to cut sometimes.

the ASH and hardwood is the big seller,i am getting up to 250 euros per tralier load now and i need to keep it in stock,i have to go to the woods occasionally even in the wet to top up with some. hard to keep enough of it to keep up to demand.

so will update soon when i have new camera,the entrance to the woods now is nicely thinned,i may leave some of the large FIR trees till a later time when the weather drys up.

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well it's been some time since i updated here,i have a lot of news,we are still working away the occasional day but the weather is horrible here since march,rain rain rain...... for instance last week we only had two days in the woods,the ground is just soaked,it is no problem to get in but the land is just not fit to walk on,you would slip easily and it is dangerous in the wet.

anyway,unfortunately i don't have any pics as our last digital camera broke,the screen cracked on it,maybe it was a good thing cause there was a fault in it with a smudged screen,over time something made it's way inside it and it was costing too much to repair.
anyway the good news is we are in the market soon for a new camera,something better,it will be very high quality with a much better optical zoom.

so what have we been up to since?
well as mentioned we gave the woods a break as a lot of birds and foul have been hatching and it is better always to follow with the rules of the envorinment.the landowner has rules to follow with the envoirnment and we are not going to break them.

the wood we bought home since we started in january is selling away fast,it was one of the busiest years to date for wood sales here,out of all the wood we bought home it is dissappearing fast now,we have been busy cutting it up and getting it ready,last week we cut up some FIR poles that have been lying on the ground for over a year,ohh boy they were hard,maybe harder to cut than most hardwood we bought home :msp_ohmy: reason been they have been drying out for a long time and the longer you let it sit the harder it gets to cut sometimes.

the ASH and hardwood is the big seller,i am getting up to 250 euros per tralier load now and i need to keep it in stock,i have to go to the woods occasionally even in the wet to top up with some. hard to keep enough of it to keep up to demand.

so will update soon when i have new camera,the entrance to the woods now is nicely thinned,i may leave some of the large FIR trees till a later time when the weather drys up.


Well done, good to hear the wood is selling quickly and keeping you busy. ;) Looking forward to seeing more pics of your work and your beautiful country. :msp_thumbup:
thanks for the kind word NHlocal,i will indeed update soon when the work begins again,i miss the camera and updating in the evenings over a cup of tea..

will be back in a few weeks again,until then stay safe fello arborists!!
Why not just use camera on your phone?

the phone i use is lucky to have a screen on it :msp_wink: seriously i have no intrest in phones,never had,ok years ago when i got my first phone i used spend money on them,nowadays i use a 40euros basic phone,i like to spend as little time as possible on phones as possible,maybe some of the anoyance i feel towards phones is due to the amount of time i spend on them.

i am not in the woods anyway at the moment due to the rain.
Finally an update.....

well finally some updates here,well to start this new series of posts off i want to say that i am back in the woods today been the first day in maybe two months,i have been so busy at home and with other things that i hadn't much time even to log in to arborist.some good news though to share here is that me and my wife have invested in a fantastic new camera,a canon ixus 230HS,it is a very slim line digital camera with amazing features,the picture quality is amazing for it's size,it surely fits in to the 'high end' spectrum of as far as cameras are concerned.
anyway,the summer here has been a wash out but thankfully the last week has been nice and dry with yesterday and today lovely and sunny,in fact i can safely say that today has been the nicest day this year!

7-2012 (summer)


first day back...

for a man to be really feel a touch of inner contentment,a little burst of real inner harmony,some people find this in various differnt ways,at the gym,in the local bar hanging out with friends,at the local golf club,on internet,i don't know i suppose it can be found in a lot of differnt ways,but for me i really find it in the woods.........

a taste of irelands country side after a lot of rain,first few days of fine weather,


the workhorse that never leaves us down.



view from my sitting room window,west limerick.


little wood left outside to dry for our own use.


fir,mixed hardwoods and ASH,here is the fir




lots of pics to come......