well it's been some time since i updated here,i have a lot of news,we are still working away the occasional day but the weather is horrible here since march,rain rain rain...... for instance last week we only had two days in the woods,the ground is just soaked,it is no problem to get in but the land is just not fit to walk on,you would slip easily and it is dangerous in the wet.
anyway,unfortunately i don't have any pics as our last digital camera broke,the screen cracked on it,maybe it was a good thing cause there was a fault in it with a smudged screen,over time something made it's way inside it and it was costing too much to repair.
anyway the good news is we are in the market soon for a new camera,something better,it will be very high quality with a much better optical zoom.
so what have we been up to since?
well as mentioned we gave the woods a break as a lot of birds and foul have been hatching and it is better always to follow with the rules of the envorinment.the landowner has rules to follow with the envoirnment and we are not going to break them.
the wood we bought home since we started in january is selling away fast,it was one of the busiest years to date for wood sales here,out of all the wood we bought home it is dissappearing fast now,we have been busy cutting it up and getting it ready,last week we cut up some FIR poles that have been lying on the ground for over a year,ohh boy they were hard,maybe harder to cut than most hardwood we bought home :msp_ohmy: reason been they have been drying out for a long time and the longer you let it sit the harder it gets to cut sometimes.
the ASH and hardwood is the big seller,i am getting up to 250 euros per tralier load now and i need to keep it in stock,i have to go to the woods occasionally even in the wet to top up with some. hard to keep enough of it to keep up to demand.
so will update soon when i have new camera,the entrance to the woods now is nicely thinned,i may leave some of the large FIR trees till a later time when the weather drys up.